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Venetian Snares

Venetian Snares‎ * My Love Is A Bulldozer (cd 2014)

A new Venetian Snares? What would mr. Funk come up with this time? “My Love…” opens rather jazzy. Not is not completely new and I must say that I can have Funk’s jazz pretty well. Soon it becomes clear that Venetian Snares again tried to make a pompous album with classical music too, so here we have two styles combined. Then there is the (by now familiar) mix between classical and breakbeats. Sometimes the beats go out of control, sometimes the music is easier to listen to. What is more, I have not heard each and every Snares album, but I do not really remember hearing the man himself sing. He has quite a peculiar voice. He is not a very good singer, but it is not like the vocals are out of tone with the music.
There are a couple of very good tracks. Other tracks are just allright. Overall “My Love Is a Bulldozer” is a nice album.
Links: Venetian Snares, Planet Mu

Venetian Snares * Rossz Csillag Alatt Született (2cd/cd 2005 planet-mu)

Aaron Funk was in Hungary and you will know. The title means something like ‘It was born under a bad star’. When I heard about this album I downloaded the teasers from the label’s site. 2 Mins of every track was enough for me to write a review, but also to make me decide to get a copy of the album. Venetian Snares is known to most people for his extremely experimental and most of all loud “breakcore”. On the latest album you will get (live) orchestrations with ‘intelligent dance music’ on the background. Strange and nice, but not entirely original. Fuckarma did somthing similar and I also have a Fuckstörung track in this vein. But still, Venetian Snares is a bit harder than the other two and a whole album makes a nice diversity between my usual kinds of music. From orchestral music to fucked-up Aphex Twin techno. Visit the label’s site for a teaser.