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Unsound Recordings

Detrimental Effect – To Brandon Bryant (mc 2017)

  • noise

Once again thanks to Noise Receptor for bringing this tape to my attention. It was Noise Receptor who introduced me to Am Not and hence Unrest Productions, now I learn about an Unrest sublabel, Unsound.

What is a bit weird is that Unrest releases cds, vinyl and tapes and Unsound also releases tapes and according to Discogs also vinyl. Noise Receptor understands that Unsound aims at cheaper productions that can be released with higher speed. Indeed, the three Unsound tapes that I got come in cardboard sleeves with black and white printing, while the Unrest tapes that I have come in a normal case.

That said, Detrimental Effect makes a not too extreme kind of noise with pulsating rhythms and rough, screamed vocals. Perhaps the sound is somewhat akin to that of Anenzephalia here and there. For some reason when there are vocals in noise (or voice samples) the music is ‘plussed up’ in my head. Detrimental Effect has a bit of the Unrest style of not too complex noise, but with vocals. There is good use of samples in the background, not too many high pitched sounds and plenty of low frequencies, another element that raises my ratings. The atmosphere is certainly descent and the sound is often that of good-old industrial noise, but not the chaotic, unstructured style.

This is Detrimental Effect’s debut release and it surely is promising.

Link: Unsound Recordings

Code Neda – The Death Of Neda (mc 2017)

Another debut on Unsound. Code Neda makes what you can describe as “noisescapes”, a slightly noisy type of soundscapes. According to their Soundcloud page, this project comes from Germany.

As regular visitors of these pages will know, I am usually no fond of soundscapish / monotonous music and I am afraid that Code Nera is not an exception to this. The slow rhythms and samples on the background are alright, but overall this is too monotonous for my liking. Towards the end comes a somewhat harder track that reminds a bit of Ex.Order and which is much more to my liking though.

Links: Code/Neda, Unsound Recordings

Exitus – Treatment Plan (mc 2013)

I thought I bought a couple of recent Unsound tapes, but this one proves to be a couple of years old.

“Treatment Plan” opens with a monotonous track that is almost dark ambient. Then follows another fairly tranquil track with a soft rhythm, but with a wee bit of noise that gets more noisy as the track develops. The last track of side A is another track with a slow rhythm and which becomes more of a typical noise track later on.
Side B opens with two tracks that are somewhat alike, but also the more interesting of this release. Low frequencies, an industrial rhythm and developing to something close to death industrial.

Like the other Unsound tapes, six tracks divided over both sides of the tape and with a total running time of about half an hour. Also the packaging is comparable to other (also later) unsound tapes: a cardboard slip.

This is still Exitus’ only release. It is not a masterpiece, but it is alright. If the project continues, I hope it is in the style of tracks 4 and 5.

Link: Unsound Recordings