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Der Angriff

Von Thronstahl * Mutter Der Schmertzen (mcd+cdr 2006 der angriff)

It is hard to keep up with the guys from Von Thronstahl. They don’t release too many things and when they do, these releases are very limited and/or released on a small label and/or not available from most mailorders. Here we have a mcd limited to 350 copies, but there is also a version with an extra mcdr and this version is limited to 150 copies. The mcd contains new versions of “Europa Calling”, “Adoration to Europa” and “Mutter der Schmertzen”, a cover-version of Death In June’s “Runes and Men” and “The Leader’s Daughter”, the Russion national anthem. The tracks are alright. The extra mcdr opens with a better “Runes and Men”, followed by a track that begins as a typical Von Thronstahl track with voice-samples and keyboard orchestrations, but this track goes over in a cheesy ‘dance’ track. Both versions of “Bellum Sacrum Bellum” do not come near the original version and the electro-track “The Great Brittish Betrayal” is amusing, but not too good. Concluding I might say that Von Thronstahl come with one of their experimental, small releases, while their ‘bigger releases’ are usually better. Of course this limited release is nice for collectors though.

v/a * Heilige Feuer (cd 2001 der angriff)

It was a long wait for this cd, but I finally got it. A Russian compilation remembering the first industrial festival in Russia, december 2000 in St-Petersburg. It must have been satisfactory, because last year more concerts were held in the same city. Anyway, the line-up of Sal Solaris, Deutsch Nepal, Der Blutharsch, Genocide Organ and Reutoff was promising. Two yet fairly unknown Russian acts (the first and the last) together with established names of the scene. Sal Solaris has just released their debut cd on Albin Julius’ Hau Ruck! label and will be reviewed when I get it. Reutoff we of course know from ‘that other’ Russian compilation “10 Years Of Madness”.
Actually I am not too impressed by the studio-tracks that each project contributed two off. Sal Solaris has two dark ambient tracks that are alright, but not smashing, Deutsch Nepal has two not too typical and not too briliant tracks (one song actually!), Der Blutharsch also contributed two not too typical tracks that are fairly strange and funny, Genocide come with a heavy and a more minimal track and Reutoff has two ambient/industrial/noise tracks which I actually find the best tracks of this compilation. In total giving 54 minutes of music. Nice, but with this line-up it could have been better.

The Days Of The Trumpet Call / Von Thronstahl * s/t (cd 2004 der angriff)

These guys prove hard to keep up with. I hadn’t heard of this cd until someone asked me if I had it. While trying to order it from Raymond he told me that there is another split cd as well. Later I heard that both bands would play live in Belgium. So last Saturday I not only watched the great Von Thronstahl show, the interesting Trumpet Call show and the alright shows of HERR (bel) and Dead Man’s Hill (bel) but I also bought these two cds there (for the other one see below). This one is a split mcd with three tracks of both bands. The Von Thronstahl tracks are quite tranquil and nice. The Days Of The Trumpet Call is not my favourite band, but the exclusive track that they also played live (“Lebendige Mensch”) is by far the most interesting Trumpet Call track so far. The Days Of The Trumplet Call are a little less orchestral on this cd and there is more room for the guitars. This 22 min cd costs the same as the other full-length (see below) and is limited to 500 copies.