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Peter Pan Speedrock * Speedfreak Manifesto (dvd 2006)

I got a copy of this DVD that comes in a nice digipack for only 4 euros. I thought it was some kind of recent promotional DVD, but is is already 5 years old. The DVD has about 135 minutes of material going from live footage, videos (three of them), backstage footage and a lot of Jackass humour. The result is an extremely amusing watch with a lot of heavy rock and roll music, crazy guys beating eachother up, hotrods, dragraces, drinks and of course Dikke Dennis (‘Fat Dennis’) as mascot and occasional singer. For those who do not know this Eindhoven rock and roll outfit, the music sounds like Motörhead, but heavier and they have been around for two decades. It looks like if you do not care about commerse and just keep doing what you like (quite like Lemmy actually) succes will come eventually. Peter Pan Speedrock have toured the USA and Canada and the biggest festivals in the Netherlands. They now even have their own festival Speedfest. A great DVD!
Links: Peter Pan Speedrock,

The Monsters * Pop Up Yours! (cd 2011)

The Monsters are a Swiss band that have been releasing music since 1989, so I should definately have heard of them. The name rang a bell, but they probably do not play my kind of music. Yesterday I was at Coffin Carnival, a rockabilly/psychobilly festival in Eindhoven and there I saw Te Monsters. They are not really a psychobilly band. They describe their own music in different ways. “wild primitive chainsaw massacre teenage trash garage clonedrum fuzz rock’n’roll”, “Their sound is a fuzzedout mix between 60ies garage punk, wild teenage trash rockabilly and primitive rock‘n‘roll. Its 187% no MTV and top 100 shit!” also “garage punk” and “blues trash” are terms that can be found on the website, shirts or merchandise. Also funny: “if it’s too loud, you’re too old” (110+ db). Their show in the Effenaar was brilliant. There are too guys with a guitar or bass and a microphone, both I estimate over 50 years old. One (the one steady band member, Beat-Man) has a funny haircut, but the other one (Janosh) looks like a professor. Then there are two drummers, or to clarify: “clonedrum: means 2 drummers with only 1 1/2 drums, hitting thhe same bassdrum from each side”. The result is extremely energetic and very raw “punk’n’roll”. Sometimes Motörhead is in the sound, but The Monsters are much more punky and aggressive. The basis is indeed rock’n’roll and according to Beat-Man this is what psychobilly sounds like in Switserland contrary to German or Dutch psychobilly. In any case, “Pop Up Your!” seems to be the first album since 2002 and in most tracks The Monsters deliver the energy that they have on stage. Brought with humor and a massive deal of enjoyment. It was great to see four ‘old people’ (but what is old eh?) having so much fun on stage and delivering such raw rock’n’roll.
The Monsters, Voody Rhythm