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Dead Man’s Hill * Songs From The Forthcoming Apocalypse (2008)

Songs For The Forthcoming ApocalypseHowever I have known this Belgian project since the early days, I never really followed him. When Dead Man’s Hill was still new, I saw him live a few times. I heard some of the releases, but was not interested enough to buy them besides two split releases. Interested in what DMH would sound like nowadays, I got myself this cd. The sound is still more or less the same: slow and pompous industrial with slow beats and orchestrations. The sound reminds quite a bit of In Slaughter Natives here and there, but especially the weird (and rather irritating sometimes) vocal effects and the use of guitars (sometimes it is almost metal) give DMH a sound of his own. Some tracks are alright, but most are not all that good in my opinion.
Links: Dead Man’s Hill, Midnight Productions

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