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Sturmast * Ibis Redibis Nunquam In Bello Peribis (cd 2007 cold meat industry)

However Cold Meat has contributed to the “martial scene” with bands such as Sophia, Karjalan Sissit and Rome, I had not expected a ‘real martial industrial’ album on this label, especially not from a Balkan project. The first release of Sturmast opens with two very typical martial industrial tracks that remind of Wappenbund, but fortunately they prove to have musical ideas of their own as well. With the also typical use of looped (folky) samples Sturmast manages to create some very nice tracks. “Kraft” (3) starts nice, but lacks variation, but “The Big Play” (4) is a nice track with a guitar sample and subtle orchestrations and “For Everyone Circus And Bread” (5) really lives up to the title, very amusing! After this, two quite typical martial industrial tracks close the 35 minute album. Not great, not always too original, but overall an agreeable album that you can buy if you want to keep your “martial” collection complete.
Links: Sturmast, Cold Meat Industry

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