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Drape Excrement / Söldnergeist * Black Rider (cd 2006 steinklang)

I have been in doubt whether or not to buy this album. I read that it is rereleased material, but the booklet doesn’t say from when the recordings are. I have a 1999 split cd of Drape Excrement with Catharsis which is nice, but nothing like Söldnergeist. Since Söldnergeist is on the album, I decided to order it afterall. Well, all music is by Drape Excrement and the first half of them are reworked by Söldnergeist. The style is dark ambient and noisy ambient, but the sound mostly remains that of Drape Excrement and not that of Söldnergeist. The result is nice, but not smashing.
link: Steinklang

1 thought on “Drape Excrement / Söldnergeist * Black Rider (cd 2006 steinklang)”

  1. It´s a Drape Excrement CD.I mastered the tracks and did some sound editing on a few tracks.I think Max (Steinklang)made it a split release to push sales.There is no unreleased or early Söldnergeist material on this recording!

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