Hm, is the new Coph Nia a new album? “A celestrial tragedy in two acts”, the cover says. The first act is a 15 minute dark ambient soundscape that is not too appealing, but just when things get going (noisy), it suddenly ends (after the title “The end” perhaps). Then we mostly get a collection of covers and new versions of old songs, starting with “The new oath”, then comes “Fire” (“I am the god of hellfire, and I bring you; fire”, just like The Prodigy), “Sympathy For The Devil (Rolling Stones, earlier covered by Laibach), “Drinking to the angel of the east”, which sounds awfully familiar, “Religion”, a Front 242 that he also plays live. Two tracks that I didn’t mention yet are “Credo V” and “Hymn to Lucifer”. The album doesn’t convince me at all, just separate tracks of a not too high quality. Too bad, because the previous works are very good.
links: Coph Nia, Cold Meat Industry