Dan Serbanescu’s best known project is probably Tanz Ohne Musik. He makes music under more monickers. On his Alone In The Hollow Garden Bandcamp, you can find (of course) A.I.T.H.G., but also MMXXIII, Amaterasu and Temple Of Clear Light. There usually are the typical and beautiful grey esoteric designs on black backgrounds. The sound is often the A.I.T.H.G. type experimental, slightly ritual industrial music which is alright, but not entirely my thing.
Also “Eosphoros” opens with a ritual industrial soundscape and an ambient track. Things get more interesting when a bit of rhythm appears in the third track. That tracks is perhaps a little (too much) “trance ambient” (to just name a phrase), but a little further, there is perhaps more IDM. The combination of esoteric, ritual, industrial ambient, could also go into the direction of an Oake type dark techno. Serbanescu could probably do that too.
In general I want to suggest you scanning the A.I.T.H.G. Bandcamp if you like ritualistic ambient and industrial music. The most interesting to me there are the T.P.C.L. releases. Perhaps not brilliant, but certainly interesting.
Link: T.O.C.L.