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Rope Society / Am Not – Диархия (7″ 2021)

  • noise

Novichok is a new label from Australia that starts off with three 7″s. Here we have one of them.

“Diarchy” contains two projects known to me. Of the first I have a split with another Australian noise project Ebola Disco. Am Not, of course, is probably the best ‘new’ noise project and the reason I wanted to get this 7″ in the first place.

Rope Society presents a rumbling noise track that is not very extreme, but with very distorted vocals. A good track, better than what I remember of the earlier mentioned split.

Am Not has a pretty harsh track, even for his own doing. A wall of industrial noise with vocals so distorted that they are hardly recognisable as vocals. This is something that Am Not has done more often of course. This track is pretty good.

Links: Am Not, Novichok Records


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