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Volksweerbaarheid * Van Kogels, Drank en Wrakhout (7″ 2005 carpe noctem records)

Yesterday Volksweerbaarheid played in Rotterdam together with Of The Wand And The Moon. So many new songs and only a new 7″… This little piece of vinyl is the result of a small festival together with Dead Man’s Hill and Allerseelen which was organised by Carpe Noctem Records from Belgium. It took a while before this 7″ saw the light of day, so that is why. On stage there were two new (?) female faces, a lady on the drums and one with a violin. Nothing of that on this 7″ yet, but undoubtely they will feature on future releases.
But to come to “Of Bullets, Drinks and Wreckage”. Volksweerbaarheid continue their unique musical course with musical jokes (this time some flamengo), Dutch 50’ies-like lyrics, odd artwork, etc. Fortunately we have a band here not giving a damn about what is hip and trendy (even when the violin resulted with one a little too much neofolk song on stage). So how to describe their music should any of you never heard (of) the band? Ehm, drums, acoustic guitars, sometimes a bass-guitar, here and there a sample and most earcatching are the lyrics/vocals. I suppose you just have to visit the website and listen to the mp3-snippets to get a better idea. To those who do know the band I can say that this 7″ is in the line starting with the cdemo (fairly ‘agressive’ drum-based music with neofolk) to the 10″ (more tranquil and experimental with here and there the drums) going towards a more experimental and tranquil sound with not too many drums. I like the 2nd and 3rd track a lot, time will tell if I only had to get used to the 1st one. In any case I am glad that there are still bands just doing their own thing and the fact that they are from my own country makes that even better. Now we can only hope that some good label wants to release a cd that is available for a larger audience too.

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