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v/a * Tyr II (book+cd 2004 ultra)

Tyr is a magazine by Collin Cleary and Michael Moynihan and “celebrates the traditional myths, culture, and social institutions of pre-Christian, pre-modern Europe”. In the editors own words, the magazine is of a “radical traditional” content. The magazine can hardly be called a magazine, it is more like a book that is “published annually”. I will review the book in my bookreviews section as soon as I read it. On to the cd.
It opens with a wonderfull song of Primordial. If I didn’t know this was a black metal band, I might have described this song as neofolk. Then we get Moynihans own Blood Axis with the well-known track “Brian Boru”, but this time the opening statement seems to be more focussed on current events. Further you will hear nice tracks by Changes, Fire + Ice, Blood Axis/LJDLP, Waldteufel and other bands. Most tracks are exclusive.
When I wanted to order this thing from my usual distro a month or so ago, it was already sold out, but when I was in the States, it is sold in the regular magazine stands for ‘only’ $ 22,-. Certainly not bad with our strong Euro. For the rest of you who do not live or will be in the States, you may have to look around to get a copy. If the book is worth it (from what I have seen of it so far it is), you will hear from me lateron.

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