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v/a * Ad Perpetuam Gloriam (online compilation 2005 #neo-folk)

In november 2004, I reviewed the first online compilation of “Ny Regret Du Passè” is a nice compilation, free to download and you can still get the mp3s from the #neo-folk website. Now you can download one big (131mb) zipfile containing no less than 22 tracks by well-known but mostly new artists from the scene. The compilation opens with dark ambient soundscapes of Marching Runes, Commotus Ingenio, Tvmvlvs Seraphim and Fin de Siecle; then we go to more noisy and industrial sounds with Die Macht, Arditi and Cold Fusion; there is experimental music from Zr 19.84, The Green Man, The Well Of Sadness, Parzival, Bain Wolfkind, Liquid Quarter Lounge Quartet, Hotel de Prusse, Calle delle Morte and Division S; military pop by Rukkanor and Kannonau; neofolk from Cawatana, Varunna, Foresta di Ferro; and more martial sounds by Storm of Capricorn. Some tracks are very good, most are alright, one or two are not my taste, but again a very nice compilation to download for free. You can get to know new bands or (if you are new to this kind of music) get an impression of the variety of music coming from the scene.

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