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Triarii * Pièce Héroique (cd 2006 eternal soul records)

On this second album Triarii not only sounds like Sophia and Karjalan Sissit, but mainly is them too, with mastering by ISN and guest vocals by Ordo. This is a bit cheap to say, I know, but also on the second album, there seems not to have been a very great aim for originality. Not that “Pièce Héroique” sounds exactly like the two mentioned projects or even like the first album, but there aren’t too big surprises on this new cd either. The music may be a bit less bombastic and militant, here and there are vocals and guitars, but if you know the first album, you will have a pretty good idea what to expect. But of course I also have to say that both the first album and also this second album are very entertaining and pleasent to listen to, so if you just want to get a good album, Triarii has proven himself again a good buy.

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