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Arkane * Arcane Elitism (cd 2002 the fossil dungeon)

The debut cd of a Greek project opens with a very loud, bombastic, orchestral piece of industrial that may have come from Sophia. Further the music is mostly soft and orchestral with here and there some softer industrial, ambient, and some slightly folky tunes. Also a few ‘ritual’-influences that remind of these black metal side-projects of 8 or 10 years ago. The opener is wonderfull, some other tracks are also very good, but the cd doesn’t get better as it continues. Good that it lasts for only 37 minutes…
Still an interesting new project on The Fossil Dungeon though. This cd took over five years to record, so who know when we will hear from xARKANEx again?
Comes in a wonderfull flat DVD-case by the way. <2/12/02><2>


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