While placing an order at my usual dealer Tesco, I was browsing their list of tapes. Tapes seem to be popular and sometimes they make a cheap way of getting to know new music that I would not hear another way. So I got myself three tapes to hear what is new in the world of industrial. The name of the label, Styggelse, rings a bell, but it does not look like I have anything they released. Most of the names of the projects are new to me too. Names such as Händer Som Vårdar, Arv & Miljö, Treriksröset and Teufelsdröckh. Then there is Brighter Death Now and the rising star of Alfarmania (apparently also the owner of the label).
The sound goes from rumbling, noisy ambient to extreme, chaotic noise (the not-my-kind-of-noise). There are also a couple of very nice low frequency noise tracks, so overall this compilation is actually pretty nice. Now this being a tape it is not so easy to know what track is currently playing, so I have to find a way to find out which projects made the good tracks.
All in all, a good 90 minute compilation.
Link: Styggelse