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Te/DIS * Black Swan (7″ 2013)

Galakthorrö did it again, they found a typical Galakthorrö project. There are two ways of looking at this fact. First you can say that the label remains in their known musical spheres, but on the other hand, Galakthorrö projects are usually damn good. Te/DIS, or Tempted Dissident, is an angtpop project in the style of Herz Jühning and therefor also the softer Haus Arafna style. There are four tracks on this 33 rmp 7″. Three of them are really great, the last one is just alright. I love the Galakthorrö sound and since not too often comes from this label, also a new project with a known sound is great news! According to the label’s website all 489 copies are gone, so should you run into a copy, do not think twice!
Link: Galakthorrö

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