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Nothing * Nondescript (cd 1999 the root of all evil records)

Nothing is a name that sounds pretty familiar, but not a band I had anything of. I have no idea if there are more bands with the same name. Anyway, the logo gives the impression that this is a metalband, while this is not really true.
The cd opens with an atmospheric track (piano, synth) and continues with a dark metaltrack with no guitars. I know this sounds silly, but that is actually exactly what Nothing sounds like. The vocals and drum(computer) remind of metal, but there are synths instead of guitars (I think). The music varies from tranquil to quite heavy. Further you will find industrial, noise, avantgardistic experimentalism, samples and atmospheric tunes.
All in all this is a very varying and strange cd, especially because the vocals are mixed far to the background and the idea that you listen to metal with no guitars. I am not too crazy about this myself.

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