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Megaptera * The Curse Of The Scarecrow (cd 1998 relapse records)

Dark industrial freaks will know the name of Megaptera, because he’s been very close to the Cold Meat family for many years, but never released anything on this label. As you can see this cd is pretty old. Megaptera isn’t too fast with new releases and as far as I know (remember) this is the last (and second) cd. I’ve had it on tape for years, but decided to buy it, simply because it’s very good. And while it’s available anyway, why not tell you a bit about it? The music of Megaptera is easy to describe when you’re familiar with dark ambient. Megaptera is only quite a bit darker than the usual CMI-cd. Dark drones and a lot of samples characterize the music of Megaptera. All in all this sounds pretty damn good, but my biggest comment to this cd, is that many samples are used that are also to be found on the cds of various CMI-acts (Morthond, In Slaughter Natives, Deutsch Nepal). Further, nothing but praise.

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