Dammit! Just as with the DruckEmpfindeN-Festival I missed ZugZwang. This time I did not even hear about it and Ex.Order played… Just as of the previous festival a beautiful compilation was released, Chambermusic made a wonderfull compilation for the last festival. In a metal box with a punched-out banderole come a card and a sticker together with a cd with two tracks of Gerechtigkeits Liga, two of Ex.Order and one of Minamata. GL is a project that I only knew by name. I doubt I had any of their material, even though they have been around since 1981. It is a strange project. The first track is a noisy industrial one with vocals, the second one reminds a bit of Deutsch Nepal with drunkenman’s vocals over repetitive sounds. Nice! Ex.Order submitted two typical wall-of-sound type noise tracks which are pretty good. Not their best material, but very nice for sure. I have seen the French Minamata at a rememberable show in Antwerpen in 2007. Later I bought the cd/dvd of that show. Minamata does not make my kind of noise. Too much noise, too little structure. The one track here is in that very style. All in all a nice compilation of a festival I would have liked to attend. I will have to pay more attention this year. This release is limited to 300 copies by the way.
Link: Chamber Music