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BT.HN & Sistrenatus * Exposing The Ribcage (cdr 2010)

A while ago I was playing Sistrenatus albums, but I could not find “Wrought Iron Railings” and feared that I misplaced it somewhere. When I decided to look up the cover in the hope that I remembered where it was I realised that it came in an A5 cover, so it is stacked some place else. When at anyway, I looked around a little and to my dismay I discovered that I missed to Sistrenatus releases!! Fortunately mister MacFarlane had copies of both left. Fiew! “Magnetic Resonance” (see below) is limited to 200 copies, this split cd to 250 and I got number 241, so if that means anything: hurry up!!. “Exposing The Ribcage” is a joint effort of a project that I do not think I knew with of course Sistrenatus. The result is one 66 minute wall of extremely dense and dark noise, great! If you like Sistrenatus’ outburst and the harder parts of Propergol’s more recent material, you will love this exposed ribcage. Normally I am no fond of just a wall of sound, but the low frequencies, just enough variation and these weird little sounds on the background, make this a very descent harsch noise album.
Links: Sistrenatus, BT.HN, Existence Establishment

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