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Tonal Y Nagual * La Sierra Mecánica (cd 2009)

A while ago I was listening to the Myspaces of UMB bands (or so) and heard the great track “Cog In The Machine”. I figured that I needed to have a proper look to this band, but the other tracks were less interesting. I did not pay much attention before I got the UMB compilation with “The Cog” and “Loneliest Place” which is more a soft dance track with singing. After a couple of times I found the song quite nice and so I got Tonal’s last album afterall. Tonal Y Nagual is a strange band, which is to be expected on UMB. “La Sierra Mecánica” goes from soft techno tunes to loud industrial and quite a bit of industrial rock. It all sure sounds different from anything I have heard, but I find it not really good. I have heard the album a few times now, maybe it will grow a bit more on me, but currently I can only say that the album is interesting, but not really my thing.
Link: Tonal Y Nagual, Confusibombus

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