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Der Blutharsch * Time Is Thee Enemy! (picture 7″ 2004 wkn)

Another one-sided picture 7″ that is only sold at concerts. I was in Waregem (Belgium) last saturday (1 may) in the same place where I bought the very first Der Blutharsch 12″ at a TMLHBAC concert 7 years ago. Not stuffed with people like earlier Der Blutharsch shows this time, but still enough audience in The Steeple. Novo Homo started the evening with a strange performance, Deutsch Nepal continued with a better version of the show that he wanted to give in Groningen a couple of weeks ago. Then Der Blutharsch entered the stage with four people, playing old tracks, news tracks and tracks that I didn’t know. I don’t believe that the song on this 7″ was one of them though. This 7″ has a rather folky, sung track and is quite enjoyable. No idea how you should get it, but I suggest just go to one of the shows or wait for it to appear on Ebay.

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