Australia * Baz Luhrmann (2008)
A corny cover, “drama/romance” as genre, 2:45 hour long; why oh why would I watch a film like that? Well, because the director is Baz Luhrmann.
So, Luhrmann did indeed make a 1980’ies style romantic drama adventure. The typical Luhrmann elements (bright colours, slightly surrealistic atmosphere, etc.) are left out. Not my type of movie “Australia”. The gorgeous Nicole Kidman is indeed a big pro, but her acting is quite childish here and there.
The story is about Kidman travelling from the UK to Australia to see to her husband’s business there. She finds him dead and tries to complete the business that her husband started. In doing so Sarah meets the man she will fall in love with, Aboriginals and a halfblood. Sarah obviously runs into the ‘underdog camp’, but of course, all turns out well. The story is set to the unfolding second World War and also gives a view on the way the colonisers ‘worked’ in Australia.
The film is not boring, but like I said, nor is it my type of film. It is an old-fashioned romantic drama.