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Late Night With The Devil – Cameron & Colin Cairnes (2023)

  • horror

And so it came to pass that I saw two horror films in one weekend, while I usually skip the genre. Both films are quite interesting though.

Jack Delroy has a popular late night talkshow in the 1970’ies. After some succesful years, the number of viewers is going down and Jack and his producer are trying to think of ways to win back the attention of the television audience.

On Halloween evening, the show interviews a medium and intents to pursue on that ‘occult path’. Jack knows of a psychologist who treats a young girl who was born, raised and abused in a sect. It appears that the girl is possessed.

The evening that Judy and Lilly are to be interviewed, all hell literally breaks loose and while the film until then was mostly a peek into the 1970’ies television business, horror elements are rapidly introduced.

All in all an interesting watch.

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