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Bardo – Alejandro G. Iñárritu (2022)

  • arthouse

“Bardo, falsa crónica de unas cuantas verdades” or “Bardo: False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths” is about the succesful documentary maker Silverio, who is about to be the first journalist of Mexican decent to receive a prestigious journalism award in the USA.

Silverio moved to the USA to raise his children. This is exactly something that many Mexicans also want, but do not get the chance to. Silverio makes his documentaries about the people trying to get into the USA.

In a lengthy (2:39 hours) and at times surreal drama, we see Silverio being tossed between his Mexican roots which he basically outgrew because of his succes and his succes as a journalist and how other people react to this succes. His life is not all easy and a son that was born stillborn keeps haunting his nightmares and putting pressure on his relationship with his wife. The fact that his children are neither really Mexicans nor Americans does not help either.

Iñárritu puts the magnifiying glass on migration issues between both countries, on the story of the Mexicans who did and did not make it into the USA and mixes this with the very personal view of the life of Silverio with a thick layer of Mexican culture. The film goes from common drama, to vague scenes and strange camera work.

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