Not exactly the first arthouse film that I saw, but boy, this really was two and a half hours of: “quit or continue?” I did sit out the entire film, but it was not easy.
The first character introduced is Carl, a male model, during an audition. In the next chapter we meet Carl’s girlfriend Yaya, who is an “influencer”. This whole chapter revolves around a tedious discussion about money.
Then follows a long chapter during which Carl and Yaya are on a cruise for the preposterously rich. The only highlight in the film is the amusing middle part in which the ship sails into a storm during a fancy diner. Eventually the ship does not survive and a handful of characters end up on a beach.
Most dialogues in the film are boring, many even childishly dumb. I suppose this is on purpose, to show the shallowness of modern life, especially that of the rich, but instead of being amusing, it is pretty damn annoying. There are way too little good scenes to allow me to rate the film anything higher than…