Ruben and Lou are a couple who also form a band. “Heavy metal” according to the blurb, but I would rather call it “noise rock”. Ruben plays drums, his girlfriend guitar and vocals, a bit in the “nowave” style.
Ruben notices dips in his hearing and they become worse. While touring in their massive camper (RV) Ruben leaves Lou out of his decision to see a doctor. He hears nothing of what the good man says, except that there is a very costly operation that involves implants.
Things get worse and Ruben can no longer leave out Lou. With the help of their manager, Lou ends up in a community of deaf people which aims as accepting the situation (and teaching basic things such as sign language) and not at the problem. This works alright for a while, but Ruben keeps seeing his condition as something that can be, and has to be, fixed.
“Sound Of Metal” is an alright drama which shows a bit of the side of people with hearing impairment. Muffled sounds, no sound at all, sudden spikes, people chatting at a table without being able to make anything from the conversations.