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Earthquake Bird – Wash Westmoreland (2019)

  • drama

Lucy is a pretty dark haired Swede who fled her past and lives in Japan where she works as a translator. The film has that “Lost In Translation” feel, a tragic, romantic drama of a person living the much different culture of Japan. Lucy is pretty integrated though.

Lucy runs into Teiji, a Japanse photographer who photographs many things, but seldom humans. Lucy catches his imagination and the two fall in love. Lucy is completely taken into her young relationship, but Teiji seems to be a bit easier in the new situation. When an American girl is introduced into Lucy’s group of acquaintances, she is drawn to Teiji as well and the situation quickly gets compilated.

Like I said, “Earthquake Bird” has the slightly surrealistic atmosphere of “Lost In Translation”, but Westmoreland’s film slowly gets darker and becomes a bit of a thriller. Especially when Lucy’s life, thoughts and past start to get mingled, the film becomes slightly vague.

I think “Earthquake Bird” is a descent drama with thriller elements.

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