A moody drama thriller in which for a reason that eludes me, a man returns to his drug abusing town after six years. He is not exactly welcomed with open arms.
He looks up old friends and foes apparently looking for something, but on his departure he took something himself making him a wanted man too. His foster father even hires the contract killer Pope to get rid of him.
Now Pope is played by Marilyn Manson which is the main reason why this film gets the attention that is gets. It must be said: Manson is casted perfectly and he plays his part convincingly.
The film is a little big vague and weird here and there. Perhaps that is the reason it is only rated 4.8 on IMDb. Personally I found the film quite good. The music is well done and the atmosphere is good. Not every actor is as good as the next, but hey, this is an independent film.
Certainly not bad.