The film looks older than it is. While watching I had the idea that I was watching an older sci-fi with an elaborate story, but the film is actually recent.
The story is fairly good. Told by Horatio (or rather: Horatio’s diary) we follow Sally who Horatio fell in love with. Jumping back and forth in time, we learn that Sally is an FBI-agent who candidly tries to investigate her husband’s death and the mysterious happenings afterwards. This is a bit of a Dana Skully (X-Files) type story.
There is more to Sally though: she is “a 95er” which I will leave the film to explain to you.
In some shoot-out Star Wars type future, people are looking for Sally. This is not entirely clear to me, but I think they try to prevent Sally from using her abilities.
All good and well, were it not that the acting is quite stiff and the CGI looks a bit cheap too. This makes the film look unconvincing. It seems that a bigger budget would have benefited the film.
The “95ers” in the title is not on the box, but it does suggest that some sort of film-series is (was) intended. has a “95ers Echoes” listed, but this title simply refers to the present film.