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Duistere openbaringen

By accident I heard about a film festival in my own town: “Duistere Openbaringen“. It apparently was the fourth time this festival was held, but the first time (?) in the new film-makers home Broet that has only opened its doors in October 2008. “Duistere Openbaringen” focuses on horror and fantasy and on the day that we went, there were three blocks of an hour and a half with short films of Dutch and Flemish filmmakers. Horror seems to be almost synonymous with zombie, since there were too many amateuristic zombie film with the typical blood-spitting closeups and flying intestines. But inspite of such amateuristic films like “Vleesdag” (not a zombie film btw.), “The Zombie Commandments” or “Zombeer”, there were also much better produced (almost slick) films such as “Harry Doright’s Prelude To Hell” (well done, but the story could have been better) or “Brother’s Keeper”. Somewhere in between there were films that were either interesting in story (“Morgana”), camera work (“Bockereyers”) or setting (“Het Verraderlijke Hart”). Towards the end there was also humour with “Schat, Ik Ga Fietsen” (very gory) and the highlight of the evening “Popo de Clown”. A special mention should be made for the shortest film of the evening “I’m Gonna Eat Your Innards” which gave an amusing minute.
The organisation also gave away prices (“oscars” so to say), but we did not wait to see and they are not yet on the website. In any case, film-makers in the Eindhoven region might want to have a look at Broet, since there you can get advice, rent things, etc. and they have a small cinema to watch independant film and a café where visitors and film-makers can meet.

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