I expected a more over-the-top comic type of action film, but “Atomic Blonde” is more of a ‘normal’ action film. A hip one though, perhaps reminding a bit of the recent “Baby Driver“.
The film is set in 1989 Berlin, the year that the wall fell. Lorraine Broughton (a very pretty Charlize Theron) is sent to recover a killed agent, but in fact what her assignment is, is the recovery of a list of all spies that has been stolen. Lorraine is a very womanly agent, but also a fighting machine, so the film contains a lot of that. The story keeps toying with the who-is-loyal-to-whom theme.
Playing in the 1980’ies the film uses music from that time. It also has nice filming and colours.
Perhaps not an instant classic, but an enjoyable Hollywood action movie.