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Batman Begins * Christopher Nolan (2005)

When I said that I had been to “The Dark Knight” a friend lend me “Batman Begins”. It seems that Nolan plans for a trilogy giving the complete story of Batman, so in a way these series stand loose from previous Batman films, or perhaps the trilogy completes them. As the title suggest, this film shows how Bruce Wayne became Batman. We see his youth, parents, where he was trained, where he gets his gadgets, etc. Not very interesting in my opinion. If you want to portray a superhero, portray a superhero, don’t reduce him to a normal person. The film is not boring, but the first part is not too exciting either. Just as in “The Dark Knight”, there are some ‘yea, right – moments’, but there is also some nice action.
I think I might watch the old Batman films some time, I think that will be more of my liking than this.

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