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The Dark Knight * Christopher Nolan * 2008

The Dark KnightIt is not like I am a bit Batman fan, in fact, I probably saw only one of them and I don’t think that it was the Tim Burton one (which I have to see if it were only for the director). But, we wanted to go to the cinema and this film was the only ‘possibly’ at a time that was still possible. The film just premiered this week in the Netherlands, so I was surprised it was not sold out. Inspite of what Christian Bale (who plays Batman) says, this is just another action film. Not a bad one though. I don’t know if the same goes for the other films, but there is quite a lot of attention for the privat life of Bruce Wane who is pictured as ‘just human’. Contrary to what you often hear, I think there is not too much focus on The Joker, whose person is less worked out than that of Batman and a few other characters in the film. The Joker -by the way- looks quite a bit like The Crow in the first film. A strange idea that both actors didn’t live to see their films premiere. Anyway, I won’t have to say much about the story, since it’s probably the same as that of every other Batman film. The Joker makes manace, Wane Bruce is a rich civilian who with the help of some technicians fights crime in Gotham City and of course he faces The Joker. This all results in a moder action film spectacle with a lot of special effects, but unfortunatly the spectacle seems to have come before credibility for Nolan. The film is very entertaining, but has a bit too many “yeah right” moments. The stages, camera work and especially the acting of Heath Ledger (yes it is true) are very good and the big screen adds something to the extreme heights that Batman likes to conquer, so I was not disappointed about this Hollywood blockbuster.

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