I had already seen this film a long time ago and I suppose most of you have too, so this review is for the few who still haven’t seen this film.
Back in 1999 an artificial hype was created around the supposedly finding of the bodies of three students who wanted to make a documentary about the myth of the Blair Witch. An internetpage did the job, spreading news and rumors, such as the finding of the car, the finding of the bodies and eventually the finding of the material the students filmed and recorded. As claimed the film is the result of the recordings of the students. They had a handycam, a 16 mm camera and a DAT for the sound. The film looks like a holiday-film with the students talking to eachother, getting ready for the travel, etc. First they shoot images for the documentary, later they start a hike into the forest for more images and information. After getting lost, hearing strange sounds in the night, the film gets scarier and scarier. Because you see everything through the eyes of the students, the effect is quite stunning. You don’t get to see what it is that scares them, but the atmosphere is heavy and genuely scary.
Very well done, very cheaply done, an open end. On TV not as impressive as on the big screen, but I at least didn’t get sick this time!
Later this film was followed by a cheap horror by another director and the real follow-up is still anounced. The DVD comes with a documentary about this documentary.
True cult, even though a lot of people liked it.