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The Tripods (series) 1984/5

I saw these series as a kid, judging the year it came out, somewhere around that time. My brother found a DVD version so I saw it again 30 years later. Seeing it now, I wonder if I really did see the series or only parts of it. I remember close to nothing of the story and things that happen.

The series are based on a book trilogy. The two seasons are books 1 and 2 and the first series were cancelled because people thought the series to be too expensive. This makes a very sudden end to the series which is a big pitty. The tripods from the title are massive three-legged robots of alien origin that have taken over earth. Since the tripods rule, earth is in peace. This is mostly due to a process called “capping”. At a certain age, people are taken in to a tripod and receive a cap on their heads through which the tripods can influence them. This capping has become a happy event surrounded with festivities.

Two boys from the UK find out that not everybody is capped. In fact, there is a whole resistance of uncapped people. One of them sends them on an adventure to reach the white mountain where the “free men” live. And so the series become mostly a youth adventure with the two, and later three, youngsters trying to avoid the police and the tripods in order to reach their goal. The first season is mostly this adventure and slightly dull with silly dialogues strange facial close ups. Only here and there the tripods join the party and things become more exiting.
The second seasons shows why the series were so expensive. The series turn into a full-fletch science-fiction series with eleborate stages and story that develops into something much more interesting. And then season two ends and the viewer is left not knowing how thing end and many questions are left unanswered…

In the adventure parts “The Tripods” is a nothing special youth series. Season two does make it worth the watch though, which makes is more too bad that season three never saw the light of day. has a Tripod “in development” so perhaps there are plans for a remake/finish. Until then, we will have to read the books I guess.

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