“American Horror Story” is not a horror show with zombies and vampires. Rather it is a drama series with (quite a lot of) horror elements. The show can be quite bloody, but seldom really scary. A family with a troubled past moves into a massive 18th century house where all previous inhabitents who died there, also still live. Quite a couple of plots and storylines are served to the watcher, a handfull of developing characters and a lot of suspense. The episodes start in the past where something gruesome happened and then returns to the present to make the link with the present day.
The series are quite well written, the atmosphere is descent and the humour alright. Yet, like with most series that I see, I did not find the first series interesting enough to continue to the second. As of now, there are four series and I think the show is still running.
Time will tell if I will ever see more of this quite uncommon show.