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Slumdog Millionaire * Danny Boyle & Loveleen Tandan (2008)

Inspite of all the attention that this film got when it just got out and the high rating at IMdB, I found “Slumdog Millionaire” quite a dull film. We see Jamal, a teenager, in some horrible TV quiz show. He has to answer questions and when he has them all correct, he will become a millionaire. Each question is associated with his past in the slums of Mumbai. The film portrays the unromanticised version of Indian culture. Children living in boxes, Muslims getting slain by Hindus, children recruited to beg for money and being directed towards prostitution, the gigantic gap between rich and poor, corruption, etc. We follow Jamal from his very early days until he becomes a teenager. Especially the gameshow scenes are tedious, the flashback scenes are more interesting. The overall result is not overall convincing, but that could also be caused by the fact that I saw this film on a very small screen in an airplane with too much noise on the background.

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