This Tarantino was not high up my list and I proved to be right. Tarantino gives us a couple of chapters which are either or not connected. All play in France during the second world war. One of the stories is the one you hear most of. Brad Pitt leads a group of Nazi-killing Jewish soldiers. The group is known as the Bastards. Several of the other chapters feature colonel Hans ‘the Jew hunter’ Landa. Landa is a funny character, a very ‘Tarantinian’ character actually and more funny than Pitt’s character Aldo Raine. Landa likes to talk, a lot, and he seems very sophisticated. Actually, he reminds of The Frenchman from The Matrix somewhat. I like the fact that Tarantino has his Germans talk German and the Frenchmen French. There are even Germans who speak German, French and English, so Tarantino surely did not go for the easy, American way of having everybody speak English. There are some amusing dialogues, but not enough to make this a very enjoyable film. There is some blood and violence, but not as much as you expect from Tarantino and overall “Inglourious Bastards” is a bit dull. Regarding the film itself, it may be Tarantino’s most beautiful so far. He took great care making the stages, finding good filming spots, interesting actors and he creates a nice ‘ironic’ atmosphere. Perhaps that is why the film gets a 8.3 on IMdB? From me, this film gets 2,5 stars.