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Mujeres Al Borde De Un Ataque De Nervios * Pedro Almodóvar * 1988

women on the verge of a nervous breakdown

In the local library my eye fell on a box of Almodóvar films, three and including his most recent film “Volver”. Coming home it appeared to be a four-DVD box, but the DVD with “Volver” isn’t there… So in the coming days you will probably see three Almodóvar films, but not the one that I wanted to see most. Anyway, “Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown” is a magnificent film. It may be a bit of a women’s film, but I laughed my ass off. The film has an atmosphere and the humour of “Eight Femmes”, but then it is not a musical. A few women are portrayed, not in the best parts of the lives. As the film continues the stories get weirder, the style more hectic and the women are loosing their minds. Brilliantly played, great montage, good humour and a magnificent story that gets more and more crazy. Inspite of its age, surely a recommended film.

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