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Tyr journal

Tyr 4 (journal) (2014)

In 2002 Tyr was announced to be an annual journal. Obviously the editors have chosen quality over quantity, because the journals have been made available in 2002, 2004, 2008 and 2014. (If this continues, we do not have to expect Tyr 5 before 2022!). Issue 4 was worth the wait.

We already got used to 400+ pages with a variety of essays, usually of quite some length. Also the same as before are a range of book reviews towards the end (some quite lenghty too) and a handfull of music reviews. The approach seems to be more contemporary pagan than “radical traditionalist” this time. That is to say, after the too long “What is religion?” of Alain de Benoist, things get ‘more pagan’. Collin Cleary, for example, wonders “What is Odinism?” and this leads to quite a different story than (probably) of many people calling themselves “Odinists”. Cleary goes more in the left hand path direction of Edred Flowers.
Next up is a very nice article about a subject I might have never read about “Traditional time-telling in old England, and modern” from the hand of Nigel Pennick. The first half of the article is the more interesting to me and lives up to the title better than the last part about heathen calendars.
Then follow two articles of the French author Claude Lecouteux who writes about “Garden dwarves and house spirits” and about “…the furious army”. The texts are alright, but I could suggest better non-English texts should the editors want to.
Again an original subject is Steve Harris’ “On barbaric suffering”. A subject that might sound Christian in basis, but Harris shows that the pre-Christians had ideas about this subject too.
A shorter text is “Germanic art in the first millenium”. Stephen Pollington shows his thoughs on Germanic and Celtic weaving pattern and other symbols that might not immediately appear to be such in ancient art.
Michael Moynihan teaches us a thing or two about the artist Rockwell Kent who had some Germanic interests. Moynihan did not get me overly enthousiastic about Kent, but interests are there to differ, right?
Christian Rätsch investigated “The mead of inspiration”. This text is mostly interesting because it breaks with hip contemporary heathen ideas about mead and what is really was and what it was used for. Rather than just a eerily sweet drink made from fermented honey, Rätsch argues that the real mead was more something between beer and what we call mead today.
Then we go psychedelic with Carl Abrahamsson and Joshua Buckly who took a look at Ralph Metzner and his scientific experimentations with psychedelics.
After this we get two lengthy interviews. The first is with Sequentia foreman Benjamin Bagby who tells us about scholarly approaches to ancient music and his own. The other interviews is with Sean Ragon of Cult of Youth (who has a shop in NYC, so next time I am there…!)
A few music reviews follow, more metal this time, but many a page is dedicated to the musical outlets of the recently deceased Jonas Trinkunas (of the Lithuanian heathen movement Romuva) to whom this volume is dedicated.
Joscelyn Godwin is again present in this volume. He made a lengthy review of Evola’s Path of Cinnabar by comparing it to the lives of René Guénon and Carl Gustav Jung. Godwin makes some interesting observations. In the second part of the review Godwin shows that he does not necessarily follow the appraisal of Evola when he reviews a new Italian biography that shows some things about the man that avid followers probably would have rather seen under the carpet.
Other reviewed books are about John Mitchell, Western esotericism (actually by Godwin, Gnosticism, Germanic folklore in America and the like.

As always Tyr makes a good read on a variety of subjects and I can recommend this title to contemporary heathens and “radical traditionalists” alike.

Tyr 2 in reprint


We are pleased to announce that Ultra is now accepting pre-orders for
the second printing of TYR, Volume 2. This issue has been unavailable
for several years, and used copies command high prices on the Internet.

We expect TYR, Volume 2 to be back from the printer in 3–4 weeks. At
that time, the journal will be available for purchase on our website:

Until then, we can accept pre-orders via PayPal to this email
address. Pre-ordering will ensure availability and prompt shipping.
We encourage distributors to contact us now to reserve copies.

We can also accept checks or money-orders payable to:
Ultra, PO Box 11736, Atlanta, GA 30355, USA


Volume 2, 2003-2004, Second Edition, 2008, ISSN 1538-9413, ISBN:
6″ X 9″ perfectbound, illustrated, 432 pages, Cover price: $22.00 ppd
$30.00 airmail (foreign)


Julius Evola on “The Doctrine of Battle and Victory,” Charles
Champetier’s interview with Alain de Benoist, Alain de Benoist on
“Thoughts on God,” Collin Cleary on “Summoning the Gods,” Stephen
McNallen on the “́satrú Revival,” Nigel Pennick on “Heathen Holy
Places,” John Matthews on “The Guardians of Albion,” Steve Pollington
on “The Germanic Warband,” Michael Moynihan on “Disparate Myths of
Divine Sacrifice,” Christian Rätsch on “The Sacred Plants of our
Ancestors,” Joscelyn Godwin on Herman Wirth, Peter Bahn on “The
Friedrich Hielscher Legend,” Markus Wolff on Ludwig Fahrenkrog,
Stephen Flowers on “The Northern Renaissance,” Joshua Buckley’s
interview with “technosophical” musicians Allerseelen, and an
extensive book and music review section, featuring sidebar interviews
with Coil and P. D. Brown.

BONUS CD MUSIC SAMPLER FEATURING: Allerseelen, Blood Axis, Coil, Fire
+ Ice, In Gowan Ring, Primordial, 16 Horsepower, Waldteufel, and many
other innovative contemporary music artists inspired by tradition.

You are being sent this email because you have requested information
from us in the past. If you do not wish to receive similar updates in
the future, please respond to this email with the word “REMOVE” in
the subject line.

Thank you.

Tyr journal volume 3 (2008 ultra publishing * isbn 0972029230)

Tyr 3It usually wouldn’t take me almost four months to read a book of this size (530 pages), but moving from one house to another leaves me little time to read. For some reason Amazon still seems to not sell new copies of this journal, while when issue 1 was published, it was available on every corner of the street. Too bad, because Tyr is a nice read for people interested in Northern European mythology, esotericism or Traditionalism (either or not “radical”). There are numerous articles some of which are longer, others are shorter. This volume opens with some “against the modern world” texts and Michael O’Meare says something about “The Primordial and the Perennial”. Alain De Benoist follows with a magnificent article in which he combines Guénon’s idea of “Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power” (like the article is called) with Dumézil’s tripartite hypothesis and makes a very readable and informative text which -unfortunately- towards the end doesn’t keep the high level. Usual contributors such as Nigel Pennick, Stephen Flowers, Joscelyn Godwin, Ian Read, Michael Moynihan and Collin Cleary contributed alright to very nice texts about a variety of subjects. There is an article about Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson and the Icelandic Asatru federation, a long text about the ancient Baltic religion and Romuva, two lengthy and critical reviews of Mark Sedgewick’s Against The Modern World and many other book- and musicreviews. For more details and ordering go to the website of the publisher. Tyr remains a suggested reading.
Link: Ultra Publishing
Read quotes from Tyr here.

Tyr journal volume 3

Tyr 3Even though Amazon hasn’t received new copies yet, the journal’s website isn’t updated, the Wikipedia page doesn’t say anything, I am not kidding Tyr journal 3 is available!! Our always up to date tradionalist Ensio Kataja mentioned it is a post of his, so started to search and search, tried the ‘second hand’ sellors at Amazon, but they don’t ship to Europe, so in the end I decided to just send an email to the publisher. A swift reply, a Paypal payment and a few weeks of waiting and since today I am the very happy owner of a copy. No cd this time, but a massive journal of 530 pages with a lot of articles. The “editorial preface” sets the tone with a very critical text about modern society, but when I started to read the first article about “affluenza” by Thomas Naylor, there is little that can go wrong with this newest issue. Naylor puts a fist in the face of the American way of living (and it also applies to Europe). Just a random quote:

Like most Americans, are you spending more and enjoying it less? Do you kids still say, “We’re bored. What can we do?” even though their playthings include lots of sports equipment, expensive mountain bikes, a laptop computer, a cell phone, the latest video games, and a room full of high-tech musical and video toys? Not content with your new Honda, don’t you have your eye on a BMW or possibly a gas-guzzling Hummer? After skiing at Stowe, will your family accept anything less than Aspen or Whistler? And aren’t you planning a vacation in Europe next summer? And maybe a second home?

Other subjects include Perenialism, Traditionalism (and the radical form of course), paganism, music, books, etc., etc.

Send your email to elecampane at to get yourself a copy or just wait until it is available more easily.

[edit 20/2/08] Ultra now has a website!

Tyr 1 (magazine) * Johua Buckley & Michael Moynihan (editors) (2002 ultra publishing * isbn 0972029206 / issn 15389413)

I bought the second volume of this book/magazine in 2004 when I was in Seattle. I had been in doubt before doing so. The articles didn’t seem too interesting and the cd just alright. I am glad that I bought it, because the articles proved very interesting and the cd very good. Then I was in doubt whether or not to buy the first 2002 volume. When I finally decided to do so, I found out that it is no longer available and hard to get second hand, at least, in Europe. In the end I bought a second hand copy via for (I believe) $ 25,- including shipping, coming close to the new price. I already noticed that the prices can go way up. When I write this, Amazon has only one second hand copy for the price of $ 95,03!! Everyone in doubt, I can advise to get your copy, but look around to avoid paying incredible prices.

The first volume is a little bit thinner than the second one (286 pages) and has no cd. The cd in the second volume was a brilliant marketing stunt by the way, because it seems that every kid around, suddenly became a “radical traditionalist” like the editors of Tyr. There are some nice articles in Tyr 1. After a nice preface, an alright article of Stephen Edred Flowers about ‘integral culture’ follows. Collin Cleary then writes about Knowing the Gods, an article in which the writer shows himself very “Traditionalistic”. He sure has some points, but I don’t agree with him everywhere. Alain de Benoist has interviewed Georges Dumézil a long time ago and an English translation can be found in Tyr. There are articles about Northern mythology, such as Steve Pollington on Odin/Wodan, and Moynihan with a very well written article about the figure of Hagen and the Nibelungenlied. Alby Stone follows the footsteps of Dumézil, noone else than Joscelyn Godwin writes about Evola and there are less interesting articles about the Goddes Zisa, mountaineering and Herman Lönns. After an interview with Ian Read, Collin Cleary has a lengthy article about the 1960’ies TV-seriers The Prisoner. This name is smacked around my ears way too often but Cleary lit a burning desire in my to watch it! The journal closes off with (mostly lengthy) book- and musicreviews with not the most typical titles. So my conclusion can only be that this journal is surely worth a read and I advise you to be quick if you don’t have a copy of either volume. Since we now live in 2006 and the previous volumes are of 2002 and 2004, I can only hope that volume 3 will see the light of day soon.
(6/8/06 -4-)
Read quotes from Tyr here.

Tyr 2 (magazine) * Joshua Buckley and Michael Moynihan (editors) (2004 ultra publishing * ISSN 15389413 / ISBN 0972029214)

Earlier I reviewed the <a href="“>cd that comes with issue two of the annually published magazine “Tyr”. However a magazine, Tyr also has an ISBN code and this is not for nothing. Tyr has 450 pages and is bound like a book, has the size of a book and looks like a book. Actually it is a book with articles. So here we have an American magazine about the ancient culture of Northern-Europe, in the past and nowadays, but the subject is taken widely, because there is much room for “Völkish” and nationalistic ideas as well. The editors claim to be “radical Traditionalists” in the tradition of Guénon and (particularly) Evola.
After a long introduction by the editors about the first issue and the reactions to it (because of the subjects, the magazine is pushed in the (extreme-)right corner) and similar subjects. Then there is a translation of an article by Julius Evola about “The Traditional Doctrine Of Battle And Victory” which is a nice -but rather long- read. Collin Cleary continues an article of the first issue (which I don’t have) about the gods of ancient Europe. This is a heavy philosophical article about how the gods could be part of everyday life. Next up is Alain de Benoist with “Thoughts On God” and then an interview with this Frenchman by Charles Champetier. Moynihan then has “Reflections On […] Myths Of Divine Sacrifice”, Steve Pollington writes about the “Origins of The Germanic Warband”, Nigel Pennick tells you about “Heathen Holy Places In Northern Europe”, John Matthews about giants and Christian Rätsch about “sacred plants” (drugs in ancient times). The following article is one of the more interesting: “The First Northern Renaissance” by Stephen Edred Flowers. After this you can read at lenght how the ́satrú revival was started in the USA by Stephen A. McNallen who write the article himself. Then two persons who alligned with the Nazis (either or not slavely following their ideas): Ludwig Fahrenkrog (article by Markus Wolff) and the Dutchman Herman Wirth (Joscelyn Godwin writes about “Herman Wirth On Folksong”. After all this there is an interview with Gerhard of the Austrian industrial project Allerseelen and then many book reviews with a great variety of subjects. Then musicreviews, also not restricted to one scene.
Read quotes from Tyr here.