- Kleines Mystisch-Magisches Bilderbüchlein - Heinrich Tränker (2021)
- The First Alchemists - Tobias Churton (2023)
- Alchemie - Frater Daniel (2009)
- Practical Alchemy - Konstantin Serebrov (2006)
- Alchemie: und ihr Einfluss auf Gesellschaft und Freimaurerei - Giovanni Grippo (2014)
- Freemasonry: Quest For Immortality - Christopher Earnshaw (2019)
- Freemasonry: Spiritual Alchemy - Christopher Earnshaw (2019)
- The Hermetic Journal 1978
- How To Read Alchemical Texts - Adam McLean (2011)
- Al-Kimia - John Eberly (2004)
- Die Alchemie, Ihre Bedeutung Für Die Freimaurerei - Hans Fischer (2018)
- Arthurian Myths And Alchemy - Jonathan Hughes (2002)
- The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy For Personal Transformation - Dennis William Hauck (1999)
- Spiritual Alchemy - Robert Ambelain (2005)
- The Forge And The Crucible - Mircea Eliade (1956/78)
- Alchemy And The First Degree Of Craft Freemasonry * Paul Hardacre (2013)
- Three Treatises of Art * Russell Yoder (2014)
- Hyleal, Pri-material, Catholic, or Universal Natural Chaos * Henricus Khunrath (2014)
- Alchemy * Titus Burckhardt (1960/2006)
- Alchemical Traditions * Aaron Cheak (editor) (2013)
- The Tower Of Alchemy: an advanced guide to the great work * David Goddard (isbn 1578631130)
- George Ripley (pbn press)
- The Twelve Gates * George Ripley (fbn press)
- Tract on the Tincture and Oil of Antimony + The Mirror of Alchemy * Roger Bacon (fbn press)
- The Ripley Scroll * George Ripley (fbn press)
- Perpetual Fires, Luminous Substances and Phosphorus (fbn press)
- Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont (fbn press)
- Forman, Rawlin, Cibinensis and Tschoudy on alchemy (fbn press)
- A Form and Method of Perfecting Base Metals (1546) (fbn press)
- Epistles to King Edward IV Sir George Ripley set foth by Raph Rabbards. London 1591 (fbn press)
- Philipp Aureolus Theophrast Paracelsus (fbn press)
- The Bosome-Book * George Ripley (fbn press)
- Aureus or the golden tractate of Hermes (fbn press)
- Die Zauberflote. an Alchemical Allegory * Tjeu van den Berk (isbn 9004130993)
- Alchemie, de kunst van transformatie * Jay Ramsay (isbn 9062719341)
- Licht op Alchemie * Frank Greiner (isbn 9063255640)
- The Philosopher's Stone * Peter Marshall (isbn 033376367X)
- De Rozenkruisers Revolutie - various authors (2022)
- "Freemasonry" And Ritual Work * Rudolf Steiner (2007)
- Theosofie * Rudolf Steiner (isbn 9060385152)
- De Wetenschap Van De Geheimen Der Ziel * Rudolf Steiner (isbn 9060385292)
- De Christelijke Inwijding En De Mysteriën Van De Oudheid * Rudolf Steiner (isbn 9060385357)
- Kosmische Hiërachieën * Rudolf Steiner (isbn 906038539X)
- Het Esoterische Christendom * Rudolf Steiner (isbn 9060385314)
- Mysterieplaatsen En Inwijdingswegen * Rudolf Steiner (isbn 9060385381)
- Het Evangelie Naar Lucas * Rudolf Steiner (isbn 9060385381)
- Vorm En Beweging * Rudolf Steiner (isbn 906038542X)
- Oude en Nieuwe Mysteriën * Bastiaan Baan (isbn 9062385567 * 2003)
- Kalevala * Elias Lönnrot (isbn 9062380778)
- Tussen Wodan En Widar * Alice Woutersen-Van Weerden (Christofoor 1997 * isbn 9060384148)
asatru / heathen
- Traditie Jaarboek 2024
- Polemos II: Pagan Perspectives - Askr Svarte (2021)
- The Freemasons In The Viking Age - Arvid Ystad (2023)
- Male Mysteries And The Secret Of The Mannerbund - Wulf Grimsson (2011)
- Polemos: The Dawn of Pagan Traditionalism - Askr Svarte (2020)
- Preparing For The End: A Narrative Study Of Vafþrúðnismál - Andrew McGillivray (2015)
- The Maiden With The Mead - Maria Kvilhaug (2009)
- The Northern Dawn - Stephen Edred Flowers (2017)
- Barbarian Rites - Hans-Peter Hasenfratz (2011)
- De Laatste Heiden - Thorvald Ross (2021)
- Heidens Jaarboek 14 (2020)
- How Thor Lost His Thunder - Declan Taggart (2018)
- The Odin Brotherhood - Mark Mirabello (2014)
- Heidens Jaarboek 13 (2019)
- Heidense Heiligdommen - Judith Schuyf (2019)
- The Trickster And The Thundergod - Maria Kvilhaug (2018)
- Nightside Of The Runes - Thomas Karlsson (2019)
- Doors Of Valhalla - Vincent Ongkowidjojo (2017)
- Schamanismus Bei Den Germanen - Thomas Höffgen (2017)
- Icelandic Magic - Stephen Flowers (2018)
- Asatru - Henning Andreas Klövekorn (2013)
- Im Namen Des Wolfs - Andreas Hebestreit (2013)
- The Poetic Edda - Maria Kvilhaug (2016)
- Frimurerne I Vikingtiden * Arvid Ystad (2016)
- Germanisches (Neu-)Heidentum In Deutschland * René Gründer (2008)
- Saksische Tradities * Dominick ten Holt (2011)
- Voices of Modern American Asatru Women * Steffanie Snyder (2009)
- Idunna #100 (2014)
- Rites And Religions Of The Anglo-Saxons * Gale R. Owen (1985)
- Godless Paganism * John Halstead (editor) (2016)
- De Geestelijke Wereld Van De Germanen * Jan de Vries (1943/2016)
- The First Book of Urglaawe Myths * Robert Schreiwer (2014)
- American Heathens * Jennifer Snook (2015)
- The Love Of Destiny * Dan McCoy (2013)
- Heidens Jaarboek 2014
- Tyr 4 (journal) (2014)
- Summoning The Gods * Collin Cleary (2011)
- Wende 15
- Teutonic Mythology * Viktor Rydberg (1891/2001)
- When The Norns Have Spoken * Anthony Winterbourne (2004)
- Heidens Jaarboek 2013
- The Nature of Asatru * Mark Puryear (2006)
- Edda * Jan de Vries (2013)
- Hoch-Zeit Der Menschheit * Rudolf John Gorsleben (1930/1993)
- Heidens Jaarboek 2012
- The Stanzas Of The Old English Rune Poem * Gary Stanfield (2012)
- Mímir - Journal Of North European Traditions * Gwendolyn Taunton (editor) (2011)
- Heidnisches Jahrbuch 2012 * Holger Kliemannel (editor) (2012)
- Wende 10
- The Journal Of Contemporary Heathen Thought II (2012)
- Heidens Jaarboek 2011
- Edda * Snorri Sturluson (transl. Marcel Otten) (2011)
- Rûna #24
- Runes In Sweden * Sven B.F. Jansson (1963/1987/1997)
- Wende 9
- Heidnisches Jahrbuch 2011 (2011)
- The Dream of Rood and Cyn(e)wulf and Other Critical Essays * Louis Rodrigues (1998)
- Sixty-Five Anglo-Saxon Riddles * Louis Jerome Rodrigues (1998)
- Anglo-Saxon Religious Verse Allegories * Louis Jerome Rodrigues (1996)
- Anglo-Saxon Elegiac Verse * Louis Jerome Rodrigues (1994)
- Anglo-Saxon Verse Runes * Louis Jerome Rodrigues (1992)
- Heidnisches Jahrbuch 2008 (2008)
- Modern Paganism In World Cultures * Michael Strmiska (editor) (2005)
- Northern Traditions * Gwendolyn Toynton (2011)
- Heidens Jaarboek 2010
- De Graal * Koenraad Logghe (1997)
- Wende 8
- Heidnisches Jahrbuch 2006 (2005)
- Heidnisches Jahrbuch 2010 (2009)
- The Journal Of Contemporary Heathen Thought (2010)
- De Vikingen Achterna * Johan Nowé (2009)
- Anglo-Saxon Verse Charms, Maxims & Heroic Legends * Louis Jerome Rodrigues (1993)
- Wende 7
- An Introduction To English Runes * Raymond Ian Page (1973/1999)
- Gods Of The Blood * Mattias Gardell (2003)
- Asatru * Frigga Asraaf (2009)
- De Heidenen * Ugo Janssens (2009)
- Wende 6
- Traditie electronic newsletter 3
- Heidens Jaarboek 2009
- The Lost Gods Of England * Brian Branston (1957)
- Heidnisches Jahrbuch 2007 (2006)
- Pagan Resurrection * Richard Rudgley (2006)
- Wende 5
- The Book Of Settlements (Landnámabók) * translated by Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards (1972)
- Íslendingabók and Kristni Saga * translated by Siān Grønlie (2006)
- Lichaam Eer En Recht In Middeleeuws Friesland * Han Nijdam (2008)
- Myths And Symbols In Pagan Europe * H.R. Ellis Davidson (1988)
- Freemasonry and the Germanic Tradition * Stephen Edred Flowers (2008)
- Odin: der einäugige Gott und die indogermanischen Männerbünde * Kris Kershaw (2007)
- Kultische Geheimbünde Der Germanen * Otto Höffler (1934)
- Þéodisc Geléafa * Swain Wodening (2007)
- Der Germanische Schicksalsglaube * Walther Gehl (1939)
- Traditie 2008/4
- Wende 4
- Heidens Jaarboek 2008
- Hammer Of The Gods * Swain Wodening (2003)
- Sunwheel 16
- Traditie 2008/3
- Days In Midgard * Steven Thor Abell (2008)
- Wende 3
- Tyr 2 in reprint
- Traditie 2008/2
- Dictionary Of Northern Mythology * Rudolf Simek (2007 d.s. brewer * isbn 0859915131)
- Het Teken van Dood en Herleving en Het Raadsel van het Angelsaksische Runenkistje * Frans Eduard Farwerck (1954 thule)
- Traditie 2008/1
- Tyr journal volume 3 (2008 ultra publishing * isbn 0972029230)
- The Initiate #1
- Heidens Jaarboek 2007
- Tyr journal volume 3
- Wende 2
- Traditie 2007/4
- Rûna 21
- From Myth To Fiction * Georges Dumézil (1973)
- The Destiny Of The Warrior * Georges Dumézil (1970)
- Traditie 2007/3
- Gods And Myths Of Northern Europe * Hilda Roderick Ellis Davidson (1964/90)
- Rûna magazine issue 20
- Scandinavian Mythology * Hilda Roderick Ellis Davidson (1969)
- Werkgroep Hagal presents: Wende I
- Symbel, a journal of early Germanic studies
- Galdrabók, an icelandic book of magic * Stephen Edred Flowers (2005 rûna raven press)
- Traditie 2/2007
- Gods Of The Ancient Northmen * Georges Dumézil (1959)
- The Destiny Of A King * Georges Dumézil (1973)
- Loki * Georges Dumézil (1948/1959)
- Volksgebruik en Zinnebeeld * Karl Theodor Weigel (1943 / 2006 werkgroep Hagal)
- The Rune Primer * Sweyn Plowright (2007 * isbn 0958043515)
- Die Symbolhistorische Methode & Allmuter * Herman Wirth Roeper (2004 die goden)
- Heliand * Jaap van Vredendaal (transl.) (2006 sun * isbn 9085062969)
- The Edda As Key To The Coming Age * Peryt Shou (translator Stephen E. Flowers) (2004 Rûna-Raven Press)
- Johannes Bureus and Adalruna * Stephen E. Flowers (1998 Rûna Raven Press)
- Northern Gnosis * Greg Mogenson (2005 spring journal books * isbn 1882670906)
- Zwijgen Bij Volle Maan * Henrik Vreekamp (2003 * isbn 9023913469)
- The Origins Of Old Germanic Studies In The Low Countries * Kees Dekker (1998 brill * isbn 9004110313)
- Mitra-Varuna * Georges Dumézil (1940/48 * 1996)
- Tyr 1 (magazine) * Johua Buckley & Michael Moynihan (editors) (2002 ultra publishing * isbn 0972029206 / issn 15389413)
- Tyr 2 (magazine) * Joshua Buckley and Michael Moynihan (editors) (2004 ultra publishing * ISSN 15389413 / ISBN 0972029214)
- Godenschemering * Marcellus Emants (1921)
- Hêliand - text and commentary * James E. Cathey (2002 west virginia univesity press * isbn 0937058645)
- Godenschemering - een inleiding tot Wagners Ring Des Nibelungen * Willem Bruls (ISBN: 9026318391)
- Ontslaap Nu In Mijn Armen, Mijn Lief * Koenraad Logghe (1996)
- Tussen Hamer en Staf * Koenraad Logghe (1992)
- Heidens Nederland * Judith Schuyf (ISBN: 9053450637 * 1995)
- The Book Of Runes * Francis Melville (Barron's 1993 * isbn 0764155512)
- At The Well Of Wyrd * Edred Thorsson (1988 samuel weisser isbn 0877286787 / 1999 samuel weisser isbn 157863136X)
- Runes And Magic * Stephen Edred Flowers (1986 peter lang * isbn 0820403334)
- Runenlore * Maurice Bos * 2005
- Wisdom From The Edda * Stephen A. McNallen * 1981
- Living Asatru * Stephen A. McNallen * 1993
- What Is Asatru * Stephen A. McNallen 1985
- Tacitus: De Opstand Van De Bataven * Vincent Hunink (transl.) (athenaeum 2005 * isbn 9025353347)
- Commentarii De Bello Gallico * Gaius Julius Caesar (Vincent Hunink, translator) (51 BCE / 1997/2004 athenaeum * isbn 9025306667)
- Germania * Tacitus (reclam 1972 - isbn 3150093910)
- Saxo Grammaticus * Hans-Jürgen Hube (marix verlag 2004 * isbn 393771541X)
- History Of The Archbishops Of Hamburg-Bremen * Adam of Bremen (translated by Charles Mierow) (columbia university press 2002 * isbn 0231125755)
- Heimskringla or the lives of the norse kings * Snorre Sturlason (transl. Erling Monsen) (dover 1990 * isbn 0486263665)
- Myths Of The Norsemen * Hélène Adeline Guerber (1909 Dover 1992 * isbn 0486273482)
- De Saga van de Völsungen * Marcel Otten (translator) (Ambo 1996 * isbn 9063036817)
- De saga van Grettir * Marcel Otten (translator) (Ambo 2003 * isbn 9026317905)
- De Saga van Njal * Marcel Otten (translator) (Ambo 2000 * isbn 9026316038)
- Verhalen Uit De Vikingtijd * Marcel Otten (2006 ambo * isbn 9026319096)
- The Sagas Of The Icelanders (Viking 1997 * isbn 0965477703)
- Edda * Snorri Sturluson (transl. Anthony Faulkes) (Everyman 1995 * ISBN: 0460876163)
- The Poetic Edda * Carolyne Larrington (transl.) (Oxford World Classics 1999 * ISBN 0192839462)
- Edda * Marcel Otten (Ambo 1994 * isbn 9026316259)
- Edda * Jan de Vries (translator) (Ankh-Hermes 2000 * ISBN 9020248782)
- Handbuch Der Gemanischen Mythologie * Wolfgang Golther (1895 Marix Verlag 2004 * isbn 393771538X)
- Noord-Europese Mysteriën en hun sporen tot heden * F.E. Farwerck (Ankh-Hermes 1970 (1978 2nd print))
- Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte * Richard Moritz Meyer (1910/? Athanaion/Phaidon * ISBN: 3888512107 / 3884002244)
- Altgermanische Relgionsgeschichte * Jan de Vries (1970 Walter de Gruyter & co * ISBN: 3110026783)
- Götter und Kulte der Germanen * Rudolf Simek (Beck 2004 * ISBN: 3406508359)
- Die Germanen * Herwig Wolfram (Beck 2005 * isbn 3406449042)
- Norse Myths * Raymond Ian Page (University of Texas 1991 * isbn 0292755465)
- Tussen Wodan En Widar * Alice Woutersen-Van Weerden (Christofoor 1997 * isbn 9060384148)
- The Masks Of Odin * Elsa-Brita Titchenell (Theosophical University Press 1986 * isbn 0911500731)
- Van Ægir Tot Ymir * Paula Vermeyden & Arend Quak (2000)
- Hammer Of The North * Magnus Magnusson (galahad books 1979 * isbn 0883654326)
- De Godsdienst Der Germanen * R.L.M. Derolez (JJ Romen en Zonen 1959)
- Midzomer In Europa * Aat van Gilst (2006 aspekt * isbn 9059114736)
- De Eeuwige Ordening * Aat van Gilst (Aspekt 2004 * isbn 9059113985)
- Asatrú! - inleiding tot een traditionele religie * Stefaan van den Eynde (werkgroep traditie vzw 2003)
- asatru folk assembly
- Wisdom From The Edda * Stephen A. McNallen * 1981
- Living Asatru * Stephen A. McNallen * 1993
- What Is Asatru * Stephen A. McNallen 1985
- Rune Gild
- The Nine Doors Of Midgard - Edred Thorsson (2016)
- Rûna #24
- At The Well Of Wyrd * Edred Thorsson (1988 samuel weisser isbn 0877286787 / 1999 samuel weisser isbn 157863136X)
- Runes And Magic * Stephen Edred Flowers (1986 peter lang * isbn 0820403334)
- runes
- Runes In Sweden * Sven B.F. Jansson (1963/1987/1997)
- De Vikingen Achterna * Johan Nowé (2009)
- An Introduction To English Runes * Raymond Ian Page (1973/1999)
- The Rune Primer * Sweyn Plowright (2007 * isbn 0958043515)
- The Book Of Runes * Francis Melville (Barron's 1993 * isbn 0764155512)
- At The Well Of Wyrd * Edred Thorsson (1988 samuel weisser isbn 0877286787 / 1999 samuel weisser isbn 157863136X)
- Runenlore * Maurice Bos * 2005
- De Graal * Koenraad Logghe (1997)
- Myths And Symbols In Pagan Europe * H.R. Ellis Davidson (1988)
- The Destiny Of The Warrior * Georges Dumézil (1970)
- The Destiny Of A King * Georges Dumézil (1973)
- The Celts, bronze age to new age * John Haywood (2004 pearson eduction * isbn 058250578X)
- Kelten En De Lage Landen * Herman Clerinx (2005/6 davidsfonds * isbn 905826324X)
- Druid Worship & Their Temples * John Daniel (isbn 1558183922)
- King Arthur In The Netherlands * Martine Meuwese (editor) (BPH 2005)
- Keltische Mythologie * David Bellingham (ISBN: 9057640077)
- A Celtic Miscellany * Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson (trans.) (isbn 0140442472)
- The Fates Of Princes Of Dyfed * Kenneth Morris (Cenydd Morus) (ISBN: 1417980214)
- The Mabinogion * Jeffrey Gantz (transl.) (Penguin Classics 1976 * isbn 0140443223)
- Le Secret Des Keltes * Lancelot Lengyel (1969)
- Die Kelten * Alexander Demandt (ISBN: 3406447988)
- De Godsdienst Der Kelten * J.P. Boosten (1950)
- Celtic Myths * Miranda Jane Aldhouse-Green (University of Texas 1994 * isbn 0292727542)
comparative mythology
- Understanding Indo-European Cosmology, Theology, and Metaphysics - Zachary Gill (2022)
- Pathways To Bliss - Joseph Campbell (2018)
- From Ritual To Romance - Jessie Weston (1920)
- Romance of the Grail - Joseph Campbell (2022)
- Patterns in Comparative Religion - Mircea Eliade (1949/1958/1996)
- Images And Symbols - Mircea Eliade (1952/1991)
- Eternal Wisdom - Gwendolyn Taunton (2020)
- Syncretic Indo-European Faith - Zachary Gill (2020)
- Brahman - Alexander Jacob (2012)
- Indo-European Mythology And Religion - Alexander Jacob (2019)
- Fate And The Twilight Of The Gods - Gwendolyn Taunton (2018)
- Im Namen Des Wolfs - Andreas Hebestreit (2013)
- The Grail - two studies - Alexander Jacob (2014)
- The Mystery Of The Grail * Julius Evola (1994/7)
- How To Kill A Dragon * Calvert Watkins (1995)
- The Origins Of The World's Mythologies * E.J. Michael Witzel (2012)
- Myth And Law Among The Indo-Europeans * Jaan Puhvel (editor) (1970)
- The War Of The Gods * Jarich Oosten (1985)
- The Power Of Myth * Joseph Campbell / Bill Moyers (1988)
- Primordial Traditions Compendium 2009 * Gwendolyn Toynton (ed.) (2009)
- Comparative Mythology * Jaan Puhvel (1987)
- Archaic Roman Religion * Georges Dumézil (1970)
- The Hero With A Thousand Faces * Joseph Campbell (1972)
- From Myth To Fiction * Georges Dumézil (1973)
- The Destiny Of The Warrior * Georges Dumézil (1970)
- Gods Of The Ancient Northmen * Georges Dumézil (1959)
- The Destiny Of A King * Georges Dumézil (1973)
- The Quest: history and meaning in religion * Mircea Eliade (1969/ 1984 midway reprint * isbn 0226203867)
- The Universal Myths * Alexander Eliot (1976 myths / 1990 meridian * isbn 0452010276)
- Loki * Georges Dumézil (1948/1959)
- The Door In The Sky * Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy (1997 princeton university press * isbn 0691017476)
- Geheimkulte * Will-Erich Peuckert (isbn 393320366X)
- The King Of The World * René Guénon (2004)
- Van Anima Tot Zeus * Maarten Timmer (isbn 9056373528 * 2001)
- Symbols Of Sacred Science * René Guénon (2004)
- The Reign Of Quantity & The Sign Of Times * René Guénon (2004)
- The Essential Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (2003 world wisdom * isbn 094153246)
- The Myth of the Eternal Return (isbn 0691017778) + Images and Symbols (isbn 069102068X * 1952) * Mircea Eliade * Mircea Eliade
- Rites And Symbols Of Initiation * Mircea Eliade (1975)
- Dictionnaire Des Religions * Mircea Eliade & Ioan P. Couliano (isbn 0060621516)
- The Sacred And The Profane * Mircea Eliade (isbn 015679201X)
- Mitra-Varuna * Georges Dumézil (1940/48 * 1996)
- The Golden Bough * James George Frazer (ISBN: 0684826305)
- In Search Of The Indo-Europeans * J.P. Mallory (isbn 0500276161)
comparative religion
- Patterns in Comparative Religion - Mircea Eliade (1949/1958/1996)
- Images And Symbols - Mircea Eliade (1952/1991)
- Universal Aspects Of The Kabbalah And Judaism - Leo Schaya (2014)
- Religion After Religion - Steven Wasserstrom (1999)
- European Paganism - Ken Dowden (2008)
- The Forge And The Crucible - Mircea Eliade (1956/78)
- The Great Triad - René Guénon (1991)
- Zingeving In Het Westen * Peter van Abspoel (2016)
- The Everlasting Man * Gilbert Chesteron (1925/2012)
- Bө and Bön * Dmitry Ermakov (2008)
- Handbook of Contemporary Paganism * Murphey Pizza (2009)
- Occultism, Witchcraft, and Cultural Fashions * Mircea Eliade (1978)
- Paths To Transcendence * Reza Shah-Kazemi (2006)
- Man And Time * Joseph Campbell (editor) (1957)
- Modern Paganism In World Cultures * Michael Strmiska (editor) (2005)
- Forgotten Truth * Huston Smith (1976)
- Primordial Traditions Compendium 2009 * Gwendolyn Toynton (ed.) (2009)
- Many Peoples Many Faiths * Robert S. Ellwood (isbn 0131830392)
- The King Of The World * René Guénon (2004)
- Van Anima Tot Zeus * Maarten Timmer (isbn 9056373528 * 2001)
- Symbols Of Sacred Science * René Guénon (2004)
- The Myth of the Eternal Return (isbn 0691017778) + Images and Symbols (isbn 069102068X * 1952) * Mircea Eliade * Mircea Eliade
- Rites And Symbols Of Initiation * Mircea Eliade (1975)
- Dictionnaire Des Religions * Mircea Eliade & Ioan P. Couliano (isbn 0060621516)
- The Sacred And The Profane * Mircea Eliade (isbn 015679201X)
- Mitra-Varuna * Georges Dumézil (1940/48 * 1996)
- The Initiatory Ecstasy. From Giordano Bruno to Arturo Reghini - Nicola Bizzi (2024)
- One Single Primordial Tradition? - Nicola Bizzi (2023)
- The de Grainville Manuscripts - M.R. Osborne (2024)
- Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings - Martinez de Pasqually (2023)
- The Archetypal Temple - Jaime Paul Lamb (2011)
- The Secret Pillars Of The OTO - Isaac Pendragon (2024)
- The Hermetic Physician - Daffi / Pantano (2022)
- Das Lehrsystem des Ordens der Gold- und Rosenkreuzer - Bernhard Beyer (1923/2008)
- The Hermetic Science of Transformation- Giuliano Kremmerz (2019)
- The New Age of Russia - Hagemeiser / Benzel (2012)
- Western Esotericism - Kocku von Stuckrad (2004)
- Geschiedenis Van De Westerse Esoterie - Jacob Slavenburg & John van Schaik (2021)
- Western Sufism - Mark Sedgwick (2016)
- Occult Paris - Tobias Churton (2016)
- Memory Palaces And Masonic Lodges - Charles B. Jameux (2014/9)
- The Golden Builders - Tobias Churton (2004)
- Journeys In The Kali Yuga - Aki Cederberg (2017)
- The Three Stages Of Initiatic Spirituality - Angel Millar (2020)
- Oog Voor De Wereld - Brink, Martin, Muratori (2019)
- The Magic Door - David Pantano (2019)
- The Man-God - Jean-Baptiste Willermoz (2017)
- The Hermetic Journal 1978
- Nightside Of The Runes - Thomas Karlsson (2019)
- Doors Of Valhalla - Vincent Ongkowidjojo (2017)
- Esoteric Studies In Masonry volume 1 - Daath Gnosis (2016)
- Myth, Magic & Masonry - Jaime Paul Lamb (2018)
- Saturn Gnosis band 1-5 (2008)
- Fraternitas Saturni - Stephen E. Flowers (2018)
- Tantric Traditions - Gwendolyn Taunton (2018)
- Secret Teachers Of The Western World - Gary Lachman (2015)
- Renaissance Man And Mason - Piers Vaughan (2016)
- Spiritual Body And Celestial Earth * Henry Corbin (1977)
- Swedenborg And Esoteric Islam * Henry Corbin (1995)
- Western Esotericism and Rituals of Initiation * Hendrik Bogdan (2007)
- Freemasonry: Foundation of the Western Esoteric Tradition * Angel Millar (2013)
- The Crescent And The Compass * Angel Millar (2015)
- An Introduction To Sufi Doctrine * Titus Burckhardt (1951/1976)
- Sacred Geometry * Nigel Pennick (1994)
- Secret Practices of the Sufi Freemasons * Rudolf von Sebottendorff (1924/2014)
- Western Esotericism * Antoine Faivre (1992/2010)
- Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th and 17th Centuries * a brother of the Fraternity (1785)
- Hermes In The Academy * Hanegraaff & Pijnenburg (editors) (2009)
- The Doctrine Of Awakening * Julius Evola (1943/1996)
- The Secret Doctrine Of The Rosicrucians * Magus Incognito
- Tarot & Kabbalah * Samuel Aun Weor (1978/2010)
- The Secret Teachings Of All Ages * Manly Palmer Hall (1928)
- Sufism For Western Seekers * Stewart Bitkoff (2011)
- Robert Fludd Essential Readings * William H. Huffman (1992)
- De Graal * Koenraad Logghe (1997)
- Jacob Boehme * Robin Waterfield (2001)
- John Dee * Gerard Suster (2003)
- Marsilio Ficino * Angela Voss (2006)
- Adulruna Und Die Gotische Kabbala * Thomas Karlsson (2007)
- Man And His Becoming According To The Vedanta * René Guénon (1925)
- Het Teken van Dood en Herleving en Het Raadsel van het Angelsaksische Runenkistje * Frans Eduard Farwerck (1954 thule)
- The Occult Mind * Christopher I. Lehrich (2007 cornell university press * isbn 9780801445385)
- Men Among The Ruins * Julius Evola (2002)
- Initiation & Spiritual Realization * René Guénon (2004)
- The Secret Knowledge Of The Neophyte * S.L. MacGregor Mathers (holmes publishing group * isbn 1558183949)
- The Edda As Key To The Coming Age * Peryt Shou (translator Stephen E. Flowers) (2004 Rûna-Raven Press)
- Paracelsus symposion booklet (isbn isbn 9067322660)
- De Septem Secundeis * Johannes Trithemius (1508) (fbn press)
- Johannes Bureus and Adalruna * Stephen E. Flowers (1998 Rûna Raven Press)
- Die Wolke Über Dem Heiligtum * Karl von Eckartshausen (1795/1977)
- De Magische Krachten Van De Natuur * Karl von Eckartshausen (isbn 9067320927)
- symposion booklet Karl von Eckartshausen: Hoe De Reden Ons God Verklaart (2006 * isbn 9067323276)
- De Alkmaarder Cornelis Drebbel (2005)
- Giordano Bruno - Italiaanse Dialogen * Boeke/Kronen/Lamoen (isbn 9026316372)
- symposionreeks Bruno "een komeet raasde over Europa" (isbn 9067322679)
- Marsilio Ficino; 500 jaar later (isbn 9067322318)
- Friend To Mankind: Marsilio Ficino * Michael Shepherd (editor) (isbn 0856831840)
- symposionreeks Ficino: brug naar de hermetische gnosis (isbn 9067322504)
- Fludd symposion booklet (isbn 9067323020)
- Lull & Bruno * Frances Amelia Yates (isbn 0710009526)
- The Queen's Conjurer * Benjamin Woollet (isbn 0805065091)
- John Dee's Five Books Of Mystery * Joseph H. Peterson (ed.) (1578631785)
- Monas Hieroglyphica * John Dee (isbn 157863203X)
- The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation * Hans Dieter Betz (isbn 0226044475)
- The Philosopher's Stone * Peter Marshall (isbn 033376367X)
- Words To The Wise * Manly P. Hall (1936 * 1996 philosophical research society * isbn 0893148148)
- The Hermetic Museum - Alchemy & Mysticism * Alexander Roob (isbn 382288653X)
- Giordano Bruno And The Hermetic Tradition * Frances Amelia Yates (isbn 0226950077 )
- The Art Of Memory * Frances Amelia Yates (071265545X)
- The Occult Philosophy In The Elizathan Age * Frances Amelia Yates (1979 * isbn 071000320X)
- Spiritual & Demonic Magic - from Ficino to Campanella * Daniel Pickering Walker (1958 * isbn 0750923725)
- De Hermetische Gnosis In De Loop Der Eeuwen * (under editorship of) Gilles Quispel (isbn 9051213743)
- The Theosophical Enlightenment * Joscelyn Godwin (isbn 0791421511 * 1994)
- Gnosis and Hermeticism * edited by Roelof van den Broek & Wouter J. Hanegraaff (editors) (isbn 079143611X * 1998)
- The Elixer And The Stone * Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh (isbn 0140247939)
- De Philonische Geheime Leer * Henk J. Spierenburg (isbn 9020285580)
- Egyptian Magic * E.A. Wallis Budge (1899/1988 arkana * isbn 0140190198)
- Geheimkulte * Will-Erich Peuckert (isbn 393320366X)
- Rebel In The Soul * Bika Reed (isbn 0892816155)
- The King Of The World * René Guénon (2004)
- Van Anima Tot Zeus * Maarten Timmer (isbn 9056373528 * 2001)
- Art And Symbols Of The Occult * James Wasserman (isbn 0892814152)
- Secrets Of The Widow's Son * David A. Shugarts (2005 * isbn 1402728190)
- De Stok Van Thot * Dick Schoof (isbn 9021543559)
- The Tarot * Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (isbn 0877287546)
- Verborgen Wijsheid Van Het Sprookje + Verborgen Wijsheid Van Oude Rijmen * Mellie Uyldert
- The Wizard's Book Of Spells * Beatrice Phillpotts (isbn 1402709528 * 2004)
- Revolt Against The Modern World * Julius Evola (1995)
- Symbols Of Sacred Science * René Guénon (2004)
- Perspectives On Initiation * René Guénon (2004)
- The Hermetic Tradition * Julius Evola (1995)
- Noord-Europese Mysteriën en hun sporen tot heden * F.E. Farwerck (Ankh-Hermes 1970 (1978 2nd print))
- Saksische Tradities * Dominick ten Holt (2011)
- The First Book of Urglaawe Myths * Robert Schreiwer (2014)
- Midwinterse Tradities * Aat van Gilst (2014)
- Folk Metaphysics * Charles Upton (2008)
- Wende 5
- Volksgebruik en Zinnebeeld * Karl Theodor Weigel (1943 / 2006 werkgroep Hagal)
- Die Symbolhistorische Methode & Allmuter * Herman Wirth Roeper (2004 die goden)
- The King Of The World * René Guénon (2004)
- Liederen En Dansen Uit De Kempen * Harrie Franken (1978 / 2003 stichting brabants heem)
- Verborgen Wijsheid Van Het Sprookje + Verborgen Wijsheid Van Oude Rijmen * Mellie Uyldert
- The Essential Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (2003 world wisdom * isbn 094153246)
- Ontslaap Nu In Mijn Armen, Mijn Lief * Koenraad Logghe (1996)
- Tussen Hamer en Staf * Koenraad Logghe (1992)
- Heidens Nederland * Judith Schuyf (ISBN: 9053450637 * 1995)
- Rituele Repertoires * Gerard (G.W.J.) Rooijakkers (ISBN 906168403X * 1994) & Eer en Schande * Gerard Rooijakkers (ISBN 9061684471 * 1995)
- Reflections On The Origin Of Freemasonry - Nicola Bizzi (2019)
- Quest for a Lost Rite - Mathieu G. Ravignat (2021)
- Masonic Myths and Legends - Pierre Mollier (2022)
- Exploring The Vault - John Belton & Roger Dachez (2024)
- The Archetypal Temple - Jaime Paul Lamb (2011)
- The Grand Communication - Nathan Schick (2023)
- The ‘Universal Language’ of Freemasonry - Christina Voss (2004)
- Geschichte Freimaurischer Systeme - Chistian von Nettelbladt (1879/2016)
- Das Lehrsystem des Ordens der Gold- und Rosenkreuzer - Bernhard Beyer (1923/2008)
- The Freemasons In The Viking Age - Arvid Ystad (2023)
- Freemasonry: Thirty-Three Lectures - Christopher Earnshaw (2023)
- Freimaurer - Snoek & Heussinger & Görner & Wilk (2020)
- Alchemie: und ihr Einfluss auf Gesellschaft und Freimaurerei - Giovanni Grippo (2014)
- Freemasonry: Royal Arch - Christopher Earnshaw (2020)
- The Craft - John Dickie (2020)
- Freemasonry Theory Of The Origins - Fabio Venzi (2022)
- Zonder Blinddoek - Huub Lazet & Ruud Luder (2021)
- De Rozenkruisers Revolutie - various authors (2022)
- Memory Palaces And Masonic Lodges - Charles B. Jameux (2014/9)
- Freemasonry And Fraternal Societies - David Harrison & Fred Lomas (2016)
- Genesis Of Freemasonry - David Harrison (2009)
- The Origins Of Freemasonry - David Stevenson (1988)
- The Magus Of Freemasonry - Tobias Churton (2004)
- The Golden Builders - Tobias Churton (2004)
- The Path Of Freemasonry - Mark Stavish (2021)
- Rediscovered Rituals Of English Freemasonry - David Harrison (2020)
- Freemasonry: Initiation By Light - Christopher Earnshaw (2020)
- Freemasonry: Quest For Immortality - Christopher Earnshaw (2019)
- Freemasonry: Spiritual Alchemy - Christopher Earnshaw (2019)
- The Last Heresy - Fabio Venzi (2019)
- Formen und Inhalte freimaurerischer Rituale - Jan Snoek (2017)
- Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, volume 123 - John S. Wade (editor) (2011)
- The Art and Science of Initiation - Jedediah French & Angel Millar (editors) (2019)
- Acta Macionica volume 28 (6018)
- Alchemically Stoned - P.D. Newman (2018)
- Esoteric Studies In Masonry volume 1 - Daath Gnosis (2016)
- Myth, Magic & Masonry - Jaime Paul Lamb (2018)
- Die Alchemie, Ihre Bedeutung Für Die Freimaurerei - Hans Fischer (2018)
- Acta Macionica volume 27 (6017)
- Freemasonry, The Esoteric Tradition - Fabio Venzi (2016)
- Studies On Traditional Freemasonry - Fabio Venzi (2013)
- The Lost Rites And Rituals Of Freemasonry - David Harrison (2017)
- Acta Macionica volume 26 (6016)
- Renaissance Man And Mason - Piers Vaughan (2016)
- Women's Agency And Rituals In Mixed And Female Masonic Orders - Alexandra Heidl & Jan Snoek (editors) (2008)
- Frimurerne I Vikingtiden * Arvid Ystad (2016)
- 99 Degrees Of Freemasonry * Henning Andreas Klövekorn (2006/2015)
- Acta Macionica Volume 25 (6015)
- Rondom De Korenschoof * various authors (2006)
- Alchemy And The First Degree Of Craft Freemasonry * Paul Hardacre (2013)
- On Holy Ground: A History of The Honorable Order of American Co-Masonry * Karen Kidd (2011)
- Comenius Und Die Freimaurer * Wilhelm Begemann (1906)
- Haunted Chambers * Karen Kidd (2009)
- The Masonic Magician * Philippa Faulks & Robert Cooper (2008)
- Western Esotericism and Rituals of Initiation * Hendrik Bogdan (2007)
- The Knights Templar Of The Middle East * HRH Prince Michael of Albany & Walid Amine Salhab (2006)
- Freemasonry: Foundation of the Western Esoteric Tradition * Angel Millar (2013)
- The Crescent And The Compass * Angel Millar (2015)
- Freemasonry - A History * Angel Millar (2005)
- De Paradox van Vrijmetselarij * Jimmy Koppen (2014)
- Studies In Freemasonry & The Compagnonnage * René Guenon (1964/2004)
- The Secret Teachings Of All Ages * Manly Palmer Hall (1928)
- Early History and Antiquities of Freemasonry * Georges F. Fort (1884)
- Freemasonry and the Germanic Tradition * Stephen Edred Flowers (2008)
- Symbolism Of Freemasonry * Albert G. Mackey (1882)
- Bouwen en Betekenis * Paul Corbey (2008 fama * isbn 9789072032225)
- Het Teken van Dood en Herleving en Het Raadsel van het Angelsaksische Runenkistje * Frans Eduard Farwerck (1954 thule)
- Die Zauberflote. an Alchemical Allegory * Tjeu van den Berk (isbn 9004130993)
- The Hermetic Museum - Alchemy & Mysticism * Alexander Roob (isbn 382288653X)
- Elements Of The Kabbalah * Eliphas Levi (isbn 1558183663)
- The Temple And The Lodge * Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh (isbn 1559701269)
- Vrijmetselarij In De Lage Landen * Anton van de Sande (walburg pers 2001 * isbn 9057301598)
- De Werkelijkheid Achter Een Geheim * dr. Joh. S. Wijne (isbn 9072032063 * fama fraternitatis)
- A Dictionary Of Freemasonry * Robert Macoy (gramercy books 2000 * isbn 0517692139)
- A New Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry * Arthur Edward Waite (university books 1970 (wings books 1996) * isbn 0517191482)
- The Spirit Of Masonry * Foster Bailey (isbn 0853301352 * 1957)
- Symbols Of Freemasonry * Daniel Béresniak (isbn 2843232015)
- Artisans and Guilds of France * Francois Icher (isbn 0810943905)
- Masonic And Esoteric Heritage - Andréa Kroon, Marty Bax, Jan Snoek (2005)
- De Kinderen van Hiram * Andries van den Abeele (1991 roularta books * isbn 9072411757)
- Noord-Europese Mysteriën en hun sporen tot heden * F.E. Farwerck (Ankh-Hermes 1970 (1978 2nd print))
- Het Grote Boek Der Apokriefen * Jacob Slavenburg (2009)
- Terug Naar De Bron - symposion booklet (isbn 9067322660)
- Valentinus de gnosticus en zijn evangelie der waarheid * Gilles Quispel (isbn 9071608131)
- De Geheime Woorden * Jacob Slavenburg (isbn 9020281119)
- De Triomf Van De Universele Gnosis * Antonin Gadal (isbn 907160814X)
- De Nag Hammadi Geschriften (dundrukeditie) * Jacob Slavenburg & Willem Glaudemans (isbn 9020219642)
- Nag Hammadi geschriften I & II * Jacob Slavenburg + Wim G. Glaudemans (isbn 9020219499 + 9020219502)
- Gnosis * Jacob Slavenburg (isbn 9020210262)
- Als Een Bovenaardse Rivier * Peter Huijs (isbn 906732261)
- The Hermetic Museum - Alchemy & Mysticism * Alexander Roob (isbn 382288653X)
- De Hermetische Gnosis In De Loop Der Eeuwen * (under editorship of) Gilles Quispel (isbn 9051213743)
- Gnosis and Hermeticism * edited by Roelof van den Broek & Wouter J. Hanegraaff (editors) (isbn 079143611X * 1998)
- Hermes Trismegistus - John van Schaik & Jacob Slavenburg (2020)
- Philosophia Symbolica * Cis van Heertum (2005)
- Symposionreeks 18 De Wijsheid van Hermes (2007)
- Divine Wisdom Divine Nature * Cis van Heertum & José Bouman (2014)
- Hermes In The Academy * Hanegraaff & Pijnenburg (editors) (2009)
- Adulruna Und Die Gotische Kabbala * Thomas Karlsson (2007)
- The Occult Mind * Christopher I. Lehrich (2007 cornell university press * isbn 9780801445385)
- Hermes Trismegistus * Roelof van den Broek (transl.) (2006 in de pelikaan * isbn 9071608220/9789071608223)
- De Alkmaarder Cornelis Drebbel (2005)
- Terug Naar De Bron - symposion booklet (isbn 9067322660)
- De Nag Hammadi Geschriften (dundrukeditie) * Jacob Slavenburg & Willem Glaudemans (isbn 9020219642)
- Nag Hammadi geschriften I & II * Jacob Slavenburg + Wim G. Glaudemans (isbn 9020219499 + 9020219502)
- De Hermetische Gnosis * Frank van Lamoen (bph * 1990)
- Langs Hermes' Wegen
- Hermes Trismegistus - pater philosophorum * Frank van Lamoen (bph * 1990)
- Hymns Of Hermes * G.R.S. Mead (isbn 155818144X)
- Hermetica, vol. 1 * Walter Scott (isbn 1570626308)
- Corpus Hermeticum + Asclepius * translated and elucidated by Gilles Quispel and Roelof van den Broek (isbn 9071608077 + 9071608085)
- The Hermetica * Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy (isbn 0874779502)
- The Hermetic Museum - Alchemy & Mysticism * Alexander Roob (isbn 382288653X)
- Giordano Bruno And The Hermetic Tradition * Frances Amelia Yates (isbn 0226950077 )
- De Hermetische Gnosis In De Loop Der Eeuwen * (under editorship of) Gilles Quispel (isbn 9051213743)
- Gnosis and Hermeticism * edited by Roelof van den Broek & Wouter J. Hanegraaff (editors) (isbn 079143611X * 1998)
- The Return Of Holy Russia - Gary Lachman (2020)
- Illuminating the legacy of Marija Gimbutas - Harald Haarmann (2023)
- Sufism: The Essentials - Mark Sedgwick (2000)
- The New Age of Russia - Hagemeiser / Benzel (2012)
- De Weg Terug - Jan de Meyer (2022)
- Ontluikend Christendom - Daniël de Waele (2021)
- Geschiedenis Van De Westerse Esoterie - Jacob Slavenburg & John van Schaik (2021)
- Western Sufism - Mark Sedgwick (2016)
- Anarchist, Artist, Sufi - Mark Sedgwick (editor) (2021)
- Occult Paris - Tobias Churton (2016)
- Reformation, Revolution, Renovation - Lyke de Vries (2021)
- The Invisible History Of The Rosicrucians - Tobias Churton (2009)
- The Magus Of Freemasonry - Tobias Churton (2004)
- Satanism: A Social History - Massimo Introvigne (2016)
- European Paganism - Ken Dowden (2008)
- Autobiography - Adam McLean (2020)
- A Cultural History Of Tarot - Helen Farley (2009)
- The Last Heresy - Fabio Venzi (2019)
- Perfectibilists - Terry Melanson (2009)
- Arthurian Myths And Alchemy - Jonathan Hughes (2002)
- Atlantis And The Cycles Of Time - Joscelyn Godwin (2010)
- Vikingen * Luit van der Tuuk (2015)
- Symposionreeks 16 J.A. Comenius (2007)
- Comenius Und Die Freimaurer * Wilhelm Begemann (1906)
- Hoe God Verscheen In Friesland * Dirk Otten (2014)
- India's Glory * Raghupati Bhatt (2014)
- The Knights Templar Of The Middle East * HRH Prince Michael of Albany & Walid Amine Salhab (2006)
- Jan Amos Comenius * Henk Woldring (2014)
- Hoe God Verscheen In Saksenland * Dirk Otten (2015)
- Midwinterse Tradities * Aat van Gilst (2014)
- Symbols and Pictures * Alastair Mack (2007)
- Vrijheid En Whisky * Stijn Hiers (2013)
- Pagan Symbols Of The Picts * Stuart McHardy (2013)
- Kratos: The Hellenic Tradition * Gwendolyn Taunton (editor) (2013)
- The Stanzas Of The Old English Rune Poem * Gary Stanfield (2012)
- Discovering The Cathars * Lucien Bély (2006)
- Shahnameh by Ferdowski * Reuben Levy (translator) (1967/2001)
- De Rozenkruisers In Nederland * Govert Snoek (1997)
- Athanasius Kircher's Theatre of the World * Joscelyn Godwin (2009)
- Blutleuchte * Gerhard Hallstatt (2010)
- The Secret Of The Hittites * C.W. Ceram (1956)
- The Hittites * O.R. Gurney (1952/1990)
- Koning Artur In De Nederlanden * J.D. Janssens (1985)
- Sixty-Five Anglo-Saxon Riddles * Louis Jerome Rodrigues (1998)
- Anglo-Saxon Religious Verse Allegories * Louis Jerome Rodrigues (1996)
- Anglo-Saxon Elegiac Verse * Louis Jerome Rodrigues (1994)
- Anglo-Saxon Verse Runes * Louis Jerome Rodrigues (1992)
- Heidnisches Jahrbuch 2008 (2008)
- Sleutel Tot Licht * Anne Korteweg & Helen Wüstefeld (2009)
- De Vikingen Achterna * Johan Nowé (2009)
- Anglo-Saxon Verse Charms, Maxims & Heroic Legends * Louis Jerome Rodrigues (1993)
- John Dee * Gerard Suster (2003)
- The Lombard Laws * Catherine Fisher Drew (1973)
- By Weapons Made Worthy * Jos Bazelmans (1999)
- Deutsche Rechtsaltertümer vol. 1 * Jacob Grimm (1899)
- Bloodtaking And Peacemaking * William Ian Miller (1990)
- Deutsche Rechtsaltertümer vol. 2 * Jacob Grimm (1899)
- Do Ut Des * Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld
- De Heidenen * Ugo Janssens (2009)
- De Eerste Koningen van Nederland * K.P.H. Faber (2007)
- In De Marge Van De Beschaving * Marco Mostert (2009)
- The Book Of Settlements (Landnámabók) * translated by Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards (1972)
- Íslendingabók and Kristni Saga * translated by Siān Grønlie (2006)
- Lichaam Eer En Recht In Middeleeuws Friesland * Han Nijdam (2008)
- A History Of Witchcraft * Jeffrey B. Russell (1980)
- Als Het Regent Zetten We "D'n TÍ´ore" Binnen * Geerts & Van Ham & Klaasen & Theunissen
- Jesus - one hundred years before christ * Alvar Ellegård (isbn 1585672521)
- The Celts, bronze age to new age * John Haywood (2004 pearson eduction * isbn 058250578X)
- Kelten En De Lage Landen * Herman Clerinx (2005/6 davidsfonds * isbn 905826324X)
- Heliand * Jaap van Vredendaal (transl.) (2006 sun * isbn 9085062969)
- De Alkmaarder Cornelis Drebbel (2005)
- The Queen's Conjurer * Benjamin Woollet (isbn 0805065091)
- The Philosopher's Stone * Peter Marshall (isbn 033376367X)
- The Elixer And The Stone * Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh (isbn 0140247939)
- Rose Cross Over The Baltic * Susanna Åkerman (9004110305 * 1998)
- The Copper Scroll Decoded * Robert Feather (isbn 0722538022)
- Egyptian Magic * E.A. Wallis Budge (1899/1988 arkana * isbn 0140190198)
- Geheimkulte * Will-Erich Peuckert (isbn 393320366X)
- De Godsdienst Der Romeinen * J.L.M. de Lepper (1950)
- De kerk van Oud-Wolfheze * Henk Jansen (2005)
- Nederlandse Religiegeschiedenis * Joris van Eijnatten & Fred van Lieburg (isbn 9065507868)
- Het Oerevangelie * Herbert Ziegler and Elmar R. Gruber (isbn 9043901601)
- De Oerknal Van Het Christendom * Jacob Slavenburg (isbn 9067322776)
- Broedertwist, België en Nederland en de erfenis van 1830 * Peter Rietbergen & Tom Verschaffel (isbn 9040091137 * waanders 2005)
- The Inquisition * Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh (isbn 0140274669)
- The Origins Of Old Germanic Studies In The Low Countries * Kees Dekker (1998 brill * isbn 9004110313)
- The Renaissance In National Context * Roy Porter and Mikulás Teich (editors) (1992 cambridge university press * isbn 0521361818)
- De Kinderen van Hiram * Andries van den Abeele (1991 roularta books * isbn 9072411757)
- The Crisis Of The Modern World * René Guénon (2004)
- Hêliand - text and commentary * James E. Cathey (2002 west virginia univesity press * isbn 0937058645)
- De Godsdienst Der ...
- Godenschemering - een inleiding tot Wagners Ring Des Nibelungen * Willem Bruls (ISBN: 9026318391)
- Colonia Ulpia Traiana Götter & Kulte * Michael Zelle (ISBN: 3792717840)
- Ontslaap Nu In Mijn Armen, Mijn Lief * Koenraad Logghe (1996)
- Tussen Hamer en Staf * Koenraad Logghe (1992)
- Heidens Nederland * Judith Schuyf (ISBN: 9053450637 * 1995)
- Rituele Repertoires * Gerard (G.W.J.) Rooijakkers (ISBN 906168403X * 1994) & Eer en Schande * Gerard Rooijakkers (ISBN 9061684471 * 1995)
- Die Kelten * Alexander Demandt (ISBN: 3406447988)
- Tacitus: De Opstand Van De Bataven * Vincent Hunink (transl.) (athenaeum 2005 * isbn 9025353347)
- Commentarii De Bello Gallico * Gaius Julius Caesar (Vincent Hunink, translator) (51 BCE / 1997/2004 athenaeum * isbn 9025306667)
- Germania * Tacitus (reclam 1972 - isbn 3150093910)
- Saxo Grammaticus * Hans-Jürgen Hube (marix verlag 2004 * isbn 393771541X)
- History Of The Archbishops Of Hamburg-Bremen * Adam of Bremen (translated by Charles Mierow) (columbia university press 2002 * isbn 0231125755)
- Heimskringla or the lives of the norse kings * Snorre Sturlason (transl. Erling Monsen) (dover 1990 * isbn 0486263665)
- De Saga van de Völsungen * Marcel Otten (translator) (Ambo 1996 * isbn 9063036817)
- De saga van Grettir * Marcel Otten (translator) (Ambo 2003 * isbn 9026317905)
- De Saga van Njal * Marcel Otten (translator) (Ambo 2000 * isbn 9026316038)
- Verhalen Uit De Vikingtijd * Marcel Otten (2006 ambo * isbn 9026319096)
- The Sagas Of The Icelanders (Viking 1997 * isbn 0965477703)
- Edda * Marcel Otten (Ambo 1994 * isbn 9026316259)
- Handbuch Der Gemanischen Mythologie * Wolfgang Golther (1895 Marix Verlag 2004 * isbn 393771538X)
- Noord-Europese Mysteriën en hun sporen tot heden * F.E. Farwerck (Ankh-Hermes 1970 (1978 2nd print))
- Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte * Richard Moritz Meyer (1910/? Athanaion/Phaidon * ISBN: 3888512107 / 3884002244)
- Altgermanische Relgionsgeschichte * Jan de Vries (1970 Walter de Gruyter & co * ISBN: 3110026783)
- Götter und Kulte der Germanen * Rudolf Simek (Beck 2004 * ISBN: 3406508359)
- Die Germanen * Herwig Wolfram (Beck 2005 * isbn 3406449042)
- Hammer Of The North * Magnus Magnusson (galahad books 1979 * isbn 0883654326)
- De Godsdienst Der Germanen * R.L.M. Derolez (JJ Romen en Zonen 1959)
- Passages: Studies in Traditionalism and Traditions - Volume I (journal)
- Traditie Jaarboek 2024
- The Fenris Wolf 1-3 - Carl Abrahamsson (2020)
- Aristokratia IV - K. Deva (editor) (2017)
- Acta Macionica volume 27 (6017)
- Aristokratia III - K. Deva (editor) (2015)
- Aristokratia II * K. Deva (editor) (2014)
- Heidens Jaarboek 2013
- Aristokratia * K. Deva (editor) (2013)
- Luvah Journal volume four
- Luvah Journal 1/1 and 1/3
- Luvah Journal 1/2
- Heidens Jaarboek 2012
- Sophia, the journal for traditional studies, volume 16, number 1 (2010)
- Mímir - Journal Of North European Traditions * Gwendolyn Taunton (editor) (2011)
- Sophia, the journal for traditional studies, volume 13, number 2 (2007)
- Sacred Web 29 (2012)
- Heidnisches Jahrbuch 2012 * Holger Kliemannel (editor) (2012)
- Occult Traditions * Damon Zacharias Lycourinos (editor) 2012
- The Journal Of Contemporary Heathen Thought II (2012)
- Heidens Jaarboek 2011
- Heidnisches Jahrbuch 2011 (2011)
- Heidnisches Jahrbuch 2008 (2008)
- Northern Traditions * Gwendolyn Toynton (2011)
- Heidens Jaarboek 2010
- Heidnisches Jahrbuch 2006 (2005)
- Heidnisches Jahrbuch 2010 (2009)
- The Journal Of Contemporary Heathen Thought (2010)
- Heidens Jaarboek 2009
- Heidnisches Jahrbuch 2007 (2006)
- Heidens Jaarboek 2008
- Traditie 2008/1
- Tyr journal volume 3 (2008 ultra publishing * isbn 0972029230)
- The Initiate #1
- Symbel, a journal of early Germanic studies
- Tyr 1 (magazine) * Johua Buckley & Michael Moynihan (editors) (2002 ultra publishing * isbn 0972029206 / issn 15389413)
- Philosophia Symbolica * Cis van Heertum (2005)
- The Secret Teachings Of All Ages * Manly Palmer Hall (1928)
- Adulruna Und Die Gotische Kabbala * Thomas Karlsson (2007)
- Elements Of The Kabbalah * Eliphas Levi (isbn 1558183663)
- The Hermetic Museum - Alchemy & Mysticism * Alexander Roob (isbn 382288653X)
- Kabbalah * Charles Poncé (isbn 0835605108)
- Major Trends In Jewish Mysticism * Gershom G. Scholem (1941 * isbn 0805210423)
- The Kabbalah Unvieled * Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (isbn 0140193103)
- The Chicken Qabalah * Lon Milo DuQuette (isbn 1578632153)
- The Essential Kabbalah * Daniel C. Matt (isbn 0785808701)
- Kabbalah, de complete gids * Alexandra Gabrielli (isbn 906271664X)
- The Secret Doctrine Of The Kabbalah * Leonora Leet (isbn 0892817240)
- Elements Of The Kabbalah * Eliphas Levi (isbn 1558183663)
- An Introduction To The Study Of The Kabalah * William Wynn Westcott (isbn 1564592618)
- Sepher Yetzirah * William Wynn Wescott (isbn 1564592626)
- Zohar * Ernst Müller (isbn 9020247417)
- Alchemy Of The Word: Cabala of the Renaissance * Philip Beitchman (1998)
- Spanish Christian Cabala * Catherine Swietlicki (1986)
- Hermétisme Et Kabbale * François Secret (1992)
- Hermetisme En Kabbala * François Secret (1990)
- Les Kabbalistes Chrétiens De La Renaissance * François Secret (1985)
- Kabballah * Gershom Scholem (1978)
- Kabbala Juive et Cabala Chrétienne * L. Gorny (1977)
- The Christian Kabbalah * Joseph Dan (1997)
- The Impact Of The Kabbala In The Seventeenth Century * A. Coudert (1998)
- Christian Interpretation Of The Cabala In The Renaissance * Joseph Blau (1944)
- Die Christliche Cabala * Ernst Benz (1958)
- Kabbalah tradition of hidden knowledge * Z'ev Ben Shimon Halevi (isbn 0500810230)
- The Way Of The Kabbalah * Z'ev Ben Shimon Halevi (isbn 0877283052)
- The Work Of The Kabbalist * Z'ev Ben Shimon Halevi (isbn 087728637)
- The Power Of Kabbalah * Yehuda Berg (isbn 1571892508 * 2004)
- The Secret: Unlocking the Source of Joy & Fulfillment * Michael Berg (isbn 1571892044)
- 777 And Other Qabalistic Writings Of Aleister Crowley * Israel Regardi (isbn 0877286701)
- De Philonische Geheime Leer * Henk J. Spierenburg (isbn 9020285580)
- Arabic Script * Gabriel Mandel Khan (2006)
- A Dictionary Of Selected Synonyms In The Principal Indo-European Languages * Carl Darling Buck (1949/1988 the university of chicago press * isbn 0226079376)
- The Dream of Rood and Cyn(e)wulf and Other Critical Essays * Louis Rodrigues (1998)
- Godenschemering * Marcellus Emants (1921)
- A Celtic Miscellany * Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson (trans.) (isbn 0140442472)
- Wende 15
- Rûna #24
- Wende 9
- The Initiate #2
- Wende 8
- Wende 7
- Wende 6
- Traditie electronic newsletter 3
- Wende 5
- Traditie 2008/4
- Wende 4
- Sunwheel 16
- Traditie 2008/3
- Wende 3
- Traditie 2008/2
- New Imperium #4
- Heidens Jaarboek 2007
- Wende 2
- Traditie 2007/4
- Rûna 21
- Traditie 2007/3
- Rûna magazine issue 20
- Werkgroep Hagal presents: Wende I
- Traditie 2/2007
- Extreme Music - Michael Tau (2022)
- Reden An Die Europäische Nation / Weapons Of Mass Instruction - Alexander Nym (2023)
- Our Darkness: Gruftis und Waver in der DDR - Sascha Lange & Dennis Burmeister (2022)
- Fight Your Own War * Jennifer Wallis (editor) (2016)
- Noise/Music A History * Paul Hegarty (2007)
- England's Hidden Reverse * David Keenan (2003/2016)
- Industrial Evolution * Mick Fish (2002)
- Written In Blood * Mindaugas Peleckis (2015)
- Death In June, Verborgen Unter Runen * Aldo Chimenti (2012)
- Assimilate: A Critical History of Industrial Music * S. Alexander Reed (2013)
- Troubadours Of The Apocalypse * Troy Southgate (editor) (2015)
- Hell's Bent On Rockin' * Craig Brackenridge (2007)
- Leicht Entflammbares Material * Josef K. (2000)
- EsoTerra, the journal of extreme culture * Chad Hensley (editor) (2011)
- Battlenoise
- Die Zauberflote. an Alchemical Allegory * Tjeu van den Berk (isbn 9004130993)
- Ästhetische Mobilmachung * Andreas Speit (ed.) (isbn 3897718049)
- Looking For Europe, neofolk und hintergründe * Andreas Diesel & Dieter Gerten (isbn 3936878021 * 2005)
- Preparing For The End: A Narrative Study Of Vafþrúðnismál - Andrew McGillivray (2015)
- The Path Of Shadows - Gwendolyn Taunton (2018)
- Mushrooms, Myth & Mithras - Ruck, Hoffman, Celdrán (2011)
- Teutonic Mythology * Viktor Rydberg (1891/2001)
- Shahnameh by Ferdowski * Reuben Levy (translator) (1967/2001)
- The Hittites * O.R. Gurney (1952/1990)
- Hittite Myths * Harry A. Hoffner jr. (1998)
- Koning Artur In De Nederlanden * J.D. Janssens (1985)
- The War Of The Gods * Jarich Oosten (1985)
- The Universal Myths * Alexander Eliot (1976 myths / 1990 meridian * isbn 0452010276)
- Het Gilgamesj-epos * Theo de Feyter (isbn 902631681X)
- Mesopotamian Myths * Henrietta McCall (isbn 0292751303 * 1991)
- Hindu Myths * Wendy Doniger-O'Flaherty (1975 penguin classics * isbn 0140443061)
- Persian Myths * Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis (isbn 0292711581 * 1993)
- Wise Lord Of The Sky: Persian Myth * Tony Allan (isbn 0705436330)
- De Natuurlijke Tijd * Peter Toonen (isbn 9075636393)
- De Tuin Der Goden * A.G. van Hamel (editor) (1938)
- Turkse Mythologie * Ingrid Klerk (isbn 9065562265 * 2003)
- Celtic / Norse / Persian / Mesopotamian myths
no category
- Quadrivium & Trivium (2010 / 2016)
- Elon Musk * Ashley Vance (2015)
- David Lynch * Thierry Jousse (2010)
- Pagan Resurrection * Richard Rudgley (2006)
- David Lynch Decoded * Mark Allyn Stewart (2007)
- High Priests, Quantum Genes * Michael Hayes (isbn 0948238291)
- De 96 Luchtboogfiguren Op De Sint-Jan * Ronald Glaudemans (adr. heinen 2004 * isbn 9077721126)
- Versteckspiel, lifestyle, symbole und codes von neonazistischen und extrem rechten gruppen (2002/5)
- Symboliek In Extreemrechtse Jongerensubculturen (2006 alert! / kafka)
- De Zwerver - Thorvald Ross (2022)
- De Laatste Heiden - Thorvald Ross (2021)
- Twin Peaks - The Final Dossier - Mark Frost (2017)
- The Secret History Of Twin Peaks * Mark Frost (2016)
- The Appleseed Journal * Stewart Bitkoff (2015)
- Siddharta * Herman Hesse (1922)
- The Ferryman's Dream * Stewart Bitkoff (2012)
- Days In Midgard * Steven Thor Abell (2008)
- On The Marble Cliffs * Ernst Jünger (1939)
- Introduction to Magic, volume III – Julius Evola (editor) (2021)
- Introduction to Magic, volume II - Julius Evola (editor) (2019)
- Occultism In A Global Perspective - Henrik Bogdan & Gordan Djurdjevic (2014)
- Lords Of The Left Hand Path - Stephen Flowers (2012)
- Introduction To Magic - Julius Evola (2001)
- Ancient Magic - Philip Matyszak (2019)
- The Hermetic Journal 1978
- Fraternitas Saturni - Stephen E. Flowers (2018)
- Icelandic Magic - Stephen Flowers (2018)
- Amongst Mystics and Magicians in Stockholm * Thomas Karlsson (2015)
- Occult Traditions * Damon Zacharias Lycourinos (editor) 2012
- Galdrabók, an icelandic book of magic * Stephen Edred Flowers (2005 rûna raven press)
- Necronomicon * 'Simon' (1980 avon * isbn 0380751925)
- The Secret Knowledge Of The Neophyte * S.L. MacGregor Mathers (holmes publishing group * isbn 1558183949)
- Enochian Magic for Beginners * Donald Tyson (isbn 1567187471 * 1997)
- Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual Eliphas Levi (isbn 1858913799)
- History Of Magic * Eliphas Levi (isbn 0877289298)
- The Golden Dawn * Israel Regardi (isbn 0875426638)
- John Dee's Five Books Of Mystery * Joseph H. Peterson (ed.) (1578631785)
- Arbatel of Magick (fbn press)
- The Book Of Ceremonial Magic * Arthur Edward Waite (isbn 1853263559)
- Three Books Of Occult Philosophy * Donald Tyson (transl.) (isbn 0875428320 * 1994)
- The Magus - A Complete System Of Occult Philosophy * Francis Barrett (isbn 0877289425)
- The Lesser Key Of Solomon * Joseph H. Peterson (isbn 157863220X)
- The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation * Hans Dieter Betz (isbn 0226044475)
- The Magic Shield: A Manual of Defense Against the Dark Arts * Francis Melvile (isbn 0764157272)
- The Secrets Of High Magic * Francis Melvile (isbn 0764155350)
- The Hermetic Museum - Alchemy & Mysticism * Alexander Roob (isbn 382288653X)
- Giordano Bruno And The Hermetic Tradition * Frances Amelia Yates (isbn 0226950077 )
- The Occult Philosophy In The Elizathan Age * Frances Amelia Yates (1979 * isbn 071000320X)
- Spiritual & Demonic Magic - from Ficino to Campanella * Daniel Pickering Walker (1958 * isbn 0750923725)
- 777 And Other Qabalistic Writings Of Aleister Crowley * Israel Regardi (isbn 0877286701)
- De Sleutels van Salomo * J. Verschure (transl.) (isbn 9063785240 * 1981)
- The Satanic Bible * Anton Szandor LaVey (isbn 0380015390)
- The Fenris Wolf 1-3 - Carl Abrahamsson (2020)
- Occulture - Carl Abrahamsson (2018)
- Death In June, Verborgen Unter Runen * Aldo Chimenti (2012)
- Blutleuchte * Gerhard Hallstatt (2010)
- EsoTerra, the journal of extreme culture * Chad Hensley (editor) (2011)
- Apocalypse Culture * Adam Parfrey (1990)
- Battlenoise
- Ästhetische Mobilmachung * Andreas Speit (ed.) (isbn 3897718049)
- Looking For Europe, neofolk und hintergründe * Andreas Diesel & Dieter Gerten (isbn 3936878021 * 2005)
- Towards Another Myth - Askr Svarte (2024)
- Gods In The Abyss - Askr Svarte (2020)
- Foundations of Post-Traditionalism and The Mystery and Its Philosophy of Life - Michell MacLaughlin (2017)
- De Weg Terug - Jan de Meyer (2022)
- al-'Ilm al-Huduri: knowledge by Presence - Sayyed Hejazi (2012)
- Contra Mundum: Joseph de Maistre & The Birth Of Tradition - Thomas Isham (2017)
- The Kybalion - Three Initiates (1908)
- Eternal Wisdom - Gwendolyn Taunton (2020)
- Mysticism After Modernism - James O'Meara (2020)
- The Mystical Foundations Of Francis Bacon's Science - Daniel Branco (2020)
- Actionism - Lennart Svensson (2017)
- Lovers Of Sophia - Jason Reza Jorjani (2017)
- Aristokratia IV - K. Deva (editor) (2017)
- Operative Traditions volume 1 - Miguel Angel Fernandez (2017)
- De Pansofie Van Comenius * Henk Woldring (2016)
- Borderline * Lennart Svensson (2015)
- Unum Necessarium * Jan Amos Comenius (1668/1983)
- Intellectual Gallery * Troy Southgate (2014)
- The Path Of Cinnabar * Julius Evola (1963/2009)
- De Nieuwsfabriek * Rob Wijnberg (2013)
- Aristokratia * K. Deva (editor) (2013)
- Luvah Journal volume four
- Robert Fludd Essential Readings * William H. Huffman (1992)
- Marsilio Ficino Essays
- En Mijn Tafelheer Is Plato * Rob Wijnberg (2010)
- Jacob Boehme * Robin Waterfield (2001)
- Marsilio Ficino * Angela Voss (2006)
- Nietzsche En Kant Lezen De Krant * Rob Wijnberg (2009)
- The Occult Mind * Christopher I. Lehrich (2007 cornell university press * isbn 9780801445385)
- symposion booklet Karl von Eckartshausen: Hoe De Reden Ons God Verklaart (2006 * isbn 9067323276)
- Giordano Bruno - Italiaanse Dialogen * Boeke/Kronen/Lamoen (isbn 9026316372)
- De Brieven Van Marsilio Ficino - deel 1 + Geef Vrijelijk Wat Vrijelijk Ontvangen Is - brieven deel 2
- Friend To Mankind: Marsilio Ficino * Michael Shepherd (editor) (isbn 0856831840)
- Van Anima Tot Zeus * Maarten Timmer (isbn 9056373528 * 2001)
- On Being A Pagan * Alain de Benoist (isbn 0972029222 (1981, translation 2005))
- Discourse On The Method Of Rightly Conducting The Reason, And Seeking Truth In The Sciences (Rene Descartes) (fbn press)
- Martin Heidegger: Between Good and Evil * Rüdiger Safranski (isbn 0674387104)
- Nietzsche, a philosophical biography * Rüdiger Safranski (isbn 0393323803)
- The Orator's Education * Quintilian (isbn 0674995929)
- Schopenhauer and the wild years of philosophy - Rüdiger Safranski (isbn 0674792769)
- The Temptation To Exist * Emil M. Cioran (isbn 0226106756)
- De wereld Als Kunstwerk * Marsilio Ficino (isbn: 9025954987 * 2005)
- Picts: Scourge Of Rome, Rulers Of The North - Noble & Evans (2023)
- Pictish-Mithraism - Norman Penny (2017)
- The Last Of The Druids * Ian W.G. Forbes (2012)
- Symbols and Pictures * Alastair Mack (2007)
- Pagan Symbols Of The Picts * Stuart McHardy (2013)
- Pagan Imperialism - Julius Evola (1928/2024)
- Sovereign Thought - Gwendolyn Taunton (2022)
- Restating Orientalism - Wael Hallaq (2018)
- Mysticism After Modernism - James O'Meara (2020)
- Aristokratia IV - K. Deva (editor) (2017)
- Aristokratia III - K. Deva (editor) (2015)
- Aristokratia II * K. Deva (editor) (2014)
- The Radical Tradition * Troy Southgate (editor) (2011)
- En Mijn Tafelheer Is Plato * Rob Wijnberg (2010)
- Gods Of The Blood * Mattias Gardell (2003)
- Nietzsche En Kant Lezen De Krant * Rob Wijnberg (2009)
- Men Among The Ruins * Julius Evola (2002)
- Man And Time * Joseph Campbell (editor) (1957)
- Van Anima Tot Zeus * Maarten Timmer (isbn 9056373528 * 2001)
- Northern Gnosis * Greg Mogenson (2005 spring journal books * isbn 1882670906)
- Oost-Brabants * Jos and Cor Swanenberg (2003 sdu * isbn 9012090105)
- Liederen En Dansen Uit De Kempen * Harrie Franken (1978 / 2003 stichting brabants heem)
- Zeik Op Unne Riek (2001) + Brabants Mooiste Woord * Wim Daniëls (isbn 9077721541 * 2005) + Rare Jongens, Die Hollanders * René van Royen & Synnyva van der Vegt (isbn 9035127528 * 2005)
- Onmyodo - Zachary Gill (2022)
- Ontluikend Christendom - Daniël de Waele (2021)
- Emir Abd el-Kader: Hero and Saint of Islam - Ahmed Bouyerdene (2012)
- Ye Shall Know the Truth: Christianity and the Perennial Philosophy - Mateus Soares de Azevedo (editor) (2005)
- Universal Aspects Of The Kabbalah And Judaism - Leo Schaya (2014)
- Pathways To An Inner Islam - Patrick Laude (2011)
- A History Of Religious Ideas (3 volumes) - Mircea Eliade (1976-1983)
- Islamic Life And Thought - Seyyed Hossein Nasr (2001)
- Autobiography Of A Sadhu - Rampuri (2010)
- European Paganism - Ken Dowden (2008)
- The Essential Seyyed Hossein Nasr (2007)
- Zingeving In Het Westen * Peter van Abspoel (2016)
- Spiritual Body And Celestial Earth * Henry Corbin (1977)
- Swedenborg And Esoteric Islam * Henry Corbin (1995)
- The Essential Vedanta * Eliot Deutsch & Rohit Dalvi (editors) (2004)
- The Labyrinth Of The World and The Paradise Of The Heart * John Comenius (1663)
- The Everlasting Man * Gilbert Chesteron (1925/2012)
- Unum Necessarium * Jan Amos Comenius (1668/1983)
- Prayer Fashions Man * Frithjof Schuon (2004)
- The Crescent And The Compass * Angel Millar (2015)
- Bө and Bön * Dmitry Ermakov (2008)
- The Destruction Of The Christian Tradition * Rama P. Coomaraswamy (2006)
- Essential Sacred Writings From Around the World * Mircea Eliade (1967)
- The Heart Of Islam * Seyyed Hossein Nasr (2002)
- The Doctrine Of Awakening * Julius Evola (1943/1996)
- Understanding Islam * Frithjof Schuon (1976/2011)
- Het Grote Boek Der Apokriefen * Jacob Slavenburg (2009)
- Hildegard von Bingen 1098 - 1179 * Winfried Wilhelmy & Ines Koring (1998)
- Sleutel Tot Licht * Anne Korteweg & Helen Wüstefeld (2009)
- Man And His Becoming According To The Vedanta * René Guénon (1925)
- The Mysteries Of Mithra * G.R.S. Mead (1907)
- Introduction To The Study Of The Hindu Doctrines * René Guénon (2004)
- Initiation & Spiritual Realization * René Guénon (2004)
- Jesus - one hundred years before christ * Alvar Ellegård (isbn 1585672521)
- Heliand * Jaap van Vredendaal (transl.) (2006 sun * isbn 9085062969)
- Valentinus de gnosticus en zijn evangelie der waarheid * Gilles Quispel (isbn 9071608131)
- De Geheime Woorden * Jacob Slavenburg (isbn 9020281119)
- De Nag Hammadi Geschriften (dundrukeditie) * Jacob Slavenburg & Willem Glaudemans (isbn 9020219642)
- Nag Hammadi geschriften I & II * Jacob Slavenburg + Wim G. Glaudemans (isbn 9020219499 + 9020219502)
- Zohar * Ernst Müller (isbn 9020247417)
- The Bhagavad-Gͮt͢ * translated and elucidated by William Quan Judge (isbn 0911500278)
- The Copper Scroll Decoded * Robert Feather (isbn 0722538022)
- Het Derde Testament * Loed Loosen (isbn 9061737982 * 2005)
- Het Egyptisch Dodenboek * M.A. Geru (1974/1992 ankh hermes * isbn 9020248316)
- Egyptian Cosmology * Mustafa Gadalla (isbn 0965250911)
- The Egyptian Book Of The Dead (the papyrus of Ani) * Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge (1895 * 1975 dover books * isbn 048621866x)
- The Gatha's * Hazrat Inayat Khan (isbn 8120807596)
- De Godsdienst Der Romeinen * J.L.M. de Lepper (1950)
- The Handbook Of Yoruba Religious Concepts * Baba Ifa Karade (isbn 0877287899)
- The Jewish Book Of Living And Dying * Lewis D. Solomon (isbn 0765761017)
- Many Peoples Many Faiths * Robert S. Ellwood (isbn 0131830392)
- The Mysteries Of Mithra * Franz Cumont (isbn 0468203239)
- The Myths And Gods Of India * Alain Daniélou (1991 inner traditions * isbn 0892813547)
- Hindu Myths * Wendy Doniger-O'Flaherty (1975 penguin classics * isbn 0140443061)
- Nederlandse Religiegeschiedenis * Joris van Eijnatten & Fred van Lieburg (isbn 9065507868)
- Het Oerevangelie * Herbert Ziegler and Elmar R. Gruber (isbn 9043901601)
- De Oerknal Van Het Christendom * Jacob Slavenburg (isbn 9067322776)
- The Origins Of The Mithraic Mysteries * David Ulansey (isbn 019505402)
- Rebel In The Soul * Bika Reed (isbn 0892816155)
- De Rooms-Katholieke Kerk * Hans Wortelboer (isbn 9043511218 * 2005)
- Symbolen, de taal van kunst en liturgie * Alfred C. Bronswijk (isbn 9023901479 * 1987)
- Teachings of Zoroaster and the Philosophy of the Parsi Religion (1908) * S. A. Kapadia (isbn 0766101320)
- The Tibetan Book Of Living And Dying * Sogyal Rinpoche (isbn 0062508342)
- Het Tibetaans Dodenboek * Edzina A. Rutgers (isbn 9020247786)
- De werkelijke Jezus: Griek, Jood, mens, God * Patrick Chatelion Counet (editor) (isbn 9021139332)
- The King Of The World * René Guénon (2004)
- Van Anima Tot Zeus * Maarten Timmer (isbn 9056373528 * 2001)
- Spirituality: forms, foundations, methods * Kees Waaijman (2003 * isbn 9042911832)
- Zwijgen Bij Volle Maan * Henrik Vreekamp (2003 * isbn 9023913469)
- The Crisis Of The Modern World * René Guénon (2004)
- Revolt Against The Modern World * Julius Evola (1995)
- Symbols Of Sacred Science * René Guénon (2004)
- Perspectives On Initiation * René Guénon (2004)
- The Reign Of Quantity & The Sign Of Times * René Guénon (2004)
- The Essential Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (2003 world wisdom * isbn 094153246)
- The Myth of the Eternal Return (isbn 0691017778) + Images and Symbols (isbn 069102068X * 1952) * Mircea Eliade * Mircea Eliade
- Rites And Symbols Of Initiation * Mircea Eliade (1975)
- Dictionnaire Des Religions * Mircea Eliade & Ioan P. Couliano (isbn 0060621516)
- The Sacred And The Profane * Mircea Eliade (isbn 015679201X)
- Mitra-Varuna * Georges Dumézil (1940/48 * 1996)
- Hêliand - text and commentary * James E. Cathey (2002 west virginia univesity press * isbn 0937058645)
- De Godsdienst Der ...
- Colonia Ulpia Traiana Götter & Kulte * Michael Zelle (ISBN: 3792717840)
- Ontslaap Nu In Mijn Armen, Mijn Lief * Koenraad Logghe (1996)
- De Godsdienst Der Germanen * R.L.M. Derolez (JJ Romen en Zonen 1959)
- Die Pansophie Der Hermetischen Bruderschaft Vom Rosenkreuz - Heinrich Tränker (2021)
- Das Lehrsystem des Ordens der Gold- und Rosenkreuzer - Bernhard Beyer (1923/2008)
- De Rozenkruisers Revolutie - various authors (2022)
- Reformation, Revolution, Renovation - Lyke de Vries (2021)
- The Invisible History Of The Rosicrucians - Tobias Churton (2009)
- Rosicrucian History And Mysteries * Christian Rebisse (2005)
- Divine Wisdom Divine Nature * Cis van Heertum & José Bouman (2014)
- Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th and 17th Centuries * a brother of the Fraternity (1785)
- The Secret Doctrine Of The Rosicrucians * Magus Incognito
- De Rozenkruisers In Nederland * Govert Snoek (1997)
- The Secret Teachings Of All Ages * Manly Palmer Hall (1928)
- Paracelsus symposion booklet (isbn isbn 9067322660)
- symposion booklet Karl von Eckartshausen: Hoe De Reden Ons God Verklaart (2006 * isbn 9067323276)
- De Alkmaarder Cornelis Drebbel (2005)
- symposionreeks Bruno "een komeet raasde over Europa" (isbn 9067322679)
- De Brieven Van Marsilio Ficino - deel 1 + Geef Vrijelijk Wat Vrijelijk Ontvangen Is - brieven deel 2
- Marsilio Ficino; 500 jaar later (isbn 9067322318)
- symposionreeks Ficino: brug naar de hermetische gnosis (isbn 9067322504)
- Fludd symposion booklet (isbn 9067323020)
- Terug Naar De Bron - symposion booklet (isbn 9067322660)
- The Hermetic Museum - Alchemy & Mysticism * Alexander Roob (isbn 382288653X)
- The Rosicrucian Enlightenment * Frances Amelia Yates (isbn 0415267692)
- Rose Cross Over The Baltic * Susanna Åkerman (9004110305 * 1998)
- The Rosicrucians, Past and Present, At Home And Abroad * William Wynn Westcott
- Fama Fraternitatis + Confessio Fraternitatis + The Chemical Wedding Of Christian Rosenkruetz * all three supposedly by Basilius Valentinus
- The Chemical Wedding Of Christian Rosenkreutz * Basilius Valentinus (transl. Joscelyn Godwin) (isbn 0933999356)
- The Rosicrucian Emblems Of Daniel Cramer - Fiona Tait / Adam McLean (0933999887)
- Elementary Philosophy of the Modern Rosycross * Jan van Rijckenborgh (isbn 9067320048)
- The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis * Jan van Rijckenborgh
- The Chinese Gnosis * Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharosa de Petri (isbn 9067321834)
- Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception * Max Heindel (isbn 0766104354)
- Gleanings Of A Mystic * Max Heindel
- Onmyodo - Zachary Gill (2022)
- Mystic Underground - Konstantin Serebrov (2001)
- Follow Me - Konstantin Serebrov (2018)
- Practical Alchemy - Konstantin Serebrov (2006)
- A Guide to Hindu Spirituality - Arvind Sharma (2006)
- De Zwerver - Thorvald Ross (2022)
- The Path Of The Warrior-Mystic - Angel Millar (2021)
- Autobiography Of A Sadhu - Rampuri (2010)
- Journeys In The Kali Yuga - Aki Cederberg (2017)
- The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy For Personal Transformation - Dennis William Hauck (1999)
- Godless Paganism * John Halstead (editor) (2016)
- The Appleseed Journal * Stewart Bitkoff (2015)
- Beyond The River's Gate * Stewart Bitkoff (2014)
- The Bushman Way of Tracking God * Bradford Keeney (2010)
- Tarot & Kabbalah * Samuel Aun Weor (1978/2010)
- The Ferryman's Dream * Stewart Bitkoff (2012)
- Alchemy & Kabbalah * Samuel Aun Weor (2009)
- Sufism For Western Seekers * Stewart Bitkoff (2011)
- Catching The Big Fish * David Lynch (2007 tarcher/penguin * isbn 1585425400)
- The Tower Of Alchemy: an advanced guide to the great work * David Goddard (isbn 1578631130)
- Die Wolke Über Dem Heiligtum * Karl von Eckartshausen (1795/1977)
- De Brieven Van Marsilio Ficino - deel 1 + Geef Vrijelijk Wat Vrijelijk Ontvangen Is - brieven deel 2
- The Power Of Kabbalah * Yehuda Berg (isbn 1571892508 * 2004)
- The Secret: Unlocking the Source of Joy & Fulfillment * Michael Berg (isbn 1571892044)
- Images And Symbols - Mircea Eliade (1952/1991)
- Knowledge Of The Symbol - Arturo Reghini (2022)
- Pictish-Mithraism - Norman Penny (2017)
- Rondom De Korenschoof * various authors (2006)
- Gekruiste Benen * Henry MacGillavry (2000/2013)
- The Symbolism Of The Cross * René Guénon (1931/1962)
- Pagan Symbols Of The Picts * Stuart McHardy (2013)
- Bouwen en Betekenis * Paul Corbey (2008 fama * isbn 9789072032225)
- Initiation & Spiritual Realization * René Guénon (2004)
- Volksgebruik en Zinnebeeld * Karl Theodor Weigel (1943 / 2006 werkgroep Hagal)
- The Door In The Sky * Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy (1997 princeton university press * isbn 0691017476)
- Die Symbolhistorische Methode & Allmuter * Herman Wirth Roeper (2004 die goden)
- The Hermetic Museum - Alchemy & Mysticism * Alexander Roob (isbn 382288653X)
- The Sun, symbol of power and life * Madanjeet Singh (editor) (isbn 0810938383 * 1993)
- Symbolen, de taal van kunst en liturgie * Alfred C. Bronswijk (isbn 9023901479 * 1987)
- The King Of The World * René Guénon (2004)
- Art And Symbols Of The Occult * James Wasserman (isbn 0892814152)
- Dictionary of Symbols * Jack Tresidder (isbn 081181470X)
- Die Geheime Symbole Der Frauen * Barbara G. Walker (isbn 3896311778)
- Heraldisch Vademecum * H.K. Nagtegaal (isbn 9027488495)
- Knaurs Lexikon Der Symbole * Hans Biedermanss (isbn 3828941532)
- Symbols Of Sacred Science * René Guénon (2004)
- Perspectives On Initiation * René Guénon (2004)
- The Reign Of Quantity & The Sign Of Times * René Guénon (2004)
- The Essential Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (2003 world wisdom * isbn 094153246)
- Tussen Hamer en Staf * Koenraad Logghe (1992)
- De Rozenkruisers Revolutie - various authors (2022)
- The Secret Doctrine Of The Rosicrucians * Magus Incognito
- The Secret Teachings Of All Ages * Manly Palmer Hall (1928)
- The Mysteries Of Mithra * G.R.S. Mead (1907)
- The Theosophical Enlightenment * Joscelyn Godwin (isbn 0791421511 * 1994)
- De Philonische Geheime Leer * Henk J. Spierenburg (isbn 9020285580)
- Isis Unveiled * Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (isbn 0911500030)
- The Secret Doctrine * Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (isbn 1557000026)
- Foundation Source Of Occultism * Gottfried de Purucker (isbn 0911500715)
- Wind Of The Spirit * Gottfried de Purucker
- Mirages In Western Science Resolved By Occult Science * Edi D. Bilimoria
- Theosofie * Rudolf Steiner (isbn 9060385152)
- The Bhagavad-Gͮt͢ * translated and elucidated by William Quan Judge (isbn 0911500278)
- Buddhist Catechism * Henry Steel Olcott (isbn 0835600270)
- The Fates Of Princes Of Dyfed * Kenneth Morris (Cenydd Morus) (ISBN: 1417980214)
- The Masks Of Odin * Elsa-Brita Titchenell (Theosophical University Press 1986 * isbn 0911500731)
- Towards Another Myth - Askr Svarte (2024)
- Pagan Imperialism - Julius Evola (1928/2024)
- Passages: Studies in Traditionalism and Traditions - Volume I (journal)
- Polemos II: Pagan Perspectives - Askr Svarte (2021)
- Polemos: The Dawn of Pagan Traditionalism - Askr Svarte (2020)
- Traditionalism: The Radical Project For Restoring Sacred Order - Mark Sedgwick (2023)
- The Multiple States Of The Being - René Guénon (2004)
- Knowledge Of The Symbol - Arturo Reghini (2022)
- The Essential Frithjof Schuon - Seyyed Hossein Nasr (editor) 2005)
- Ye Shall Know the Truth: Christianity and the Perennial Philosophy - Mateus Soares de Azevedo (editor) (2005)
- A Guide to Hindu Spirituality - Arvind Sharma (2006)
- Universal Aspects Of The Kabbalah And Judaism - Leo Schaya (2014)
- Contra Mundum: Joseph de Maistre & The Birth Of Tradition - Thomas Isham (2017)
- The Essential Seyyed Hossein Nasr (2007)
- The Art and Science of Initiation - Jedediah French & Angel Millar (editors) (2019)
- Occultism and Traditionalism - Christian Giudice (2016)
- Al-Kimia - John Eberly (2004)
- Freemasonry, The Esoteric Tradition - Fabio Venzi (2016)
- Studies On Traditional Freemasonry - Fabio Venzi (2013)
- The Great Triad - René Guénon (1991)
- Against The Modern World - Mark Sedgwick (2014)
- Spiritual Body And Celestial Earth * Henry Corbin (1977)
- Prayer Fashions Man * Frithjof Schuon (2004)
- An Introduction To Sufi Doctrine * Titus Burckhardt (1951/1976)
- Alchemy * Titus Burckhardt (1960/2006)
- The Symbolism Of The Cross * René Guénon (1931/1962)
- The Path Of Cinnabar * Julius Evola (1963/2009)
- Paths To Transcendence * Reza Shah-Kazemi (2006)
- Touchstones Of The Spirit * Harry Oldmeadow (2012)
- Aristokratia * K. Deva (editor) (2013)
- The Underlying Religion * Martin Lings & Clinton Minnaar (editors) (2007)
- Luvah Journal volume four
- The Heart Of Islam * Seyyed Hossein Nasr (2002)
- The Essential Titus Burckhardt (2003)
- Understanding Islam * Frithjof Schuon (1976/2011)
- Luvah Journal 1/1 and 1/3
- Luvah Journal 1/2
- Sophia, the journal for traditional studies, volume 16, number 1 (2010)
- Mímir - Journal Of North European Traditions * Gwendolyn Taunton (editor) (2011)
- Sophia, the journal for traditional studies, volume 13, number 2 (2007)
- Sacred Web 29 (2012)
- Folk Metaphysics * Charles Upton (2008)
- The Initiate #2
- Northern Traditions * Gwendolyn Toynton (2011)
- De Graal * Koenraad Logghe (1997)
- Forgotten Truth * Huston Smith (1976)
- Ride The Tiger * Julius Evola (2003)
- Primordial Traditions Compendium 2009 * Gwendolyn Toynton (ed.) (2009)
- Man And His Becoming According To The Vedanta * René Guénon (1925)
- Tyr 2 in reprint
- Traditie 2008/1
- Tyr journal volume 3 (2008 ultra publishing * isbn 0972029230)
- The Initiate #1
- Tyr journal volume 3
- Introduction To The Study Of The Hindu Doctrines * René Guénon (2004)
- Initiation & Spiritual Realization * René Guénon (2004)
- The Door In The Sky * Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy (1997 princeton university press * isbn 0691017476)
- The King Of The World * René Guénon (2004)
- The Crisis Of The Modern World * René Guénon (2004)
- Revolt Against The Modern World * Julius Evola (1995)
- Symbols Of Sacred Science * René Guénon (2004)
- Perspectives On Initiation * René Guénon (2004)
- The Reign Of Quantity & The Sign Of Times * René Guénon (2004)
- The Essential Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (2003 world wisdom * isbn 094153246)
- The Hermetic Tradition * Julius Evola (1995)
- Tyr 1 (magazine) * Johua Buckley & Michael Moynihan (editors) (2002 ultra publishing * isbn 0972029206 / issn 15389413)
- Tyr 2 (magazine) * Joshua Buckley and Michael Moynihan (editors) (2004 ultra publishing * ISSN 15389413 / ISBN 0972029214)
- The Betrayal of Tradition: essays on the spiritual crisis of modernity * Harry Oldmeadow (2005 world wisdom * isbn 0941532550)
- Ontslaap Nu In Mijn Armen, Mijn Lief * Koenraad Logghe (1996)
- Tussen Hamer en Staf * Koenraad Logghe (1992)