I bought and reviewed this book not too long after it was published. Back then I did not know the author and was not yet involved in the group that he founded (Werkgroep Traditie) from which he is no longer a part. Logghe is a “Traditionalistic Asatruar” and a Freemason, but I do not know how active an Asatruar he is nowadays, perhaps only in private. Many many years of mostly self-study made Logghe a specialist in Indo-European comparitive mythology and genuine esotericism, also at the age of writing this book (34). In “the grail, between a heathen and a christian heritage” he investigates mostly the grail legends of the Low Countries such as the stories about Ferguut and Torec. Logghe came to the conclusion that these (all) Arthurian legends are deeply rooted in Indo-European mythology, yes I say mythology, because rather than historical, the stories are mythical and the characters based on Gods. Also the stories are obviously initiatic stories. To make his points, Logghe gives countless quotes of the ancient manuscripts that he studied at the now (2011) troubled Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica (Joost Ritman also introduces the book) and makes cross references to Persian texts (which seem to have had a big influence on the Arthurian legends), Hermetic texts (which may be an unexpected, but quite clearly also a source), Gnostic and all kinds of early Christian texts and different religions and mythologies. All this gives the book a staggering amount of details in which the red thread tends to get lost, but which gives a great many leads for futher study. Being from the hand of a Traditionalist author, you can expect thick layers of Guénonian thinking. Yes you may get the idea, Logghe is the man that had a profound impact on my own thinking. This was the third (I think) time that I read this book and I want to bring it to you attention (again) almost three years after the first publication of this review at Gangleri.nl. It is one of the greatest works that I have, is unfortunately only available in Dutch, but seems not to be sold out, but can be found quite easily secondhand anyway.
1997 Uitgeverij Stichting Mens en Cultuur
Quotes from this book can be found here