I expected a short word of our chairman, since this is the last issue of this publication, but beside a short note in the inside of the cover, there is nothing. For several reasons (stated in earlier annoucements), the magazine will cease to be, but nothing is mentioned. Perhaps the opening article is telling. The articles of Herman Vanhove are usually humerous, this one is about someone who passed on. Further there are a couple of articles by Benny Vangelder about the World Tree/Christmastree, man made from wood and the ‘nephew’ peoples of the Oeral region. Other articles are about another “sibbe” involved in our movement, the original version of the “Little Red Riding Hood” tale, Indo-European mythology (by the Belgian scholar Koenraad Elst) and a story about mistle toes and witches wisdom.
Also this magazine is written in Dutch, get in contact with Werkgroep Traditie if you are interested.