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Symbel, a journal of early Germanic studies

Besides that there are interesting things to read there, Ensio Kataja’s “blog” is a good way of keeping up to date with things happening in and around the Rune Gild (Ensio is the main man behind the Finish department). Like on 20 April 2007 the new Rûna Magazine was anounced (the magazine of Ian Read, I am unfortunately still waiting for it), on 26 March you could read about the first issue of the Symbel journal of the Woodharrow Institute. Woodharrow is an initiative of Stephen Flowers of the Rune Gild and with Symbel the Woodharrow Institute aims for the young scholars not specialised in ‘Germanic matters’. However the magazine says that the journal is for members only, non-members can also order the publication. It is not cheap, $ 15,- (USA) or $ 20,- (elsewhere) for a 84 paged A5 photocopied publication, but for the money you get four long articles and some bookreviews. The magazine opens (after some introductionary words) with Stephen Wehmeyer who used recent theories on the old information on Germanic magic. Next up is a translation of the famous Magnus Olsen article On Magical Runes. A very promising text came from the hands of Glenn Magee who wrote about the ‘Germanism’ of Theologia Germania. Michael Moyhnihan shows the (young and) interested student where (s)he can follow Germanic studies. I just got the magazine, so I haven’t read much of it, but when I have, I might review it in the book reviews section. Since it is quite a wait (I placed my order in april) and because the first issue supposedly is from “fall 2006″ already, I decided to ‘announce’ it nonetheless, so that the interested reader can take action. For more information click on the cover to go to the website of Woodharrow and fill in the form.

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