I had to wait so long for this (almost three months) that I completely forgot about it, so I was surprised when I found my copy in my mailbox. When I started to page through the issue it appeared to be a Tolkien issue with not too interesting articles. It opens with an article on Tolkien and dragons and continues with “Tolkien: a radical traditionalist?”. The first article is an alright read, the other is too, but I wonder why such a ‘new coined term’ has to be applied to Tolkien. But things get better with a short article on the Dagaz rune, an interesting article on “the ninth wave” (and of course Heimdallr, but it seems that the writer didn’t know Dumézil’s remarks on this very subject) and Stephen Flowers on “the comparative method”, not really new, but he put things very nicely in a page and a half. I haven’t really read anything yet (save for the intro), but since it is quite a wait, I decided to announce it nonetheless.
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