The third and last part of the translation of Evola’s republication of the UR and KRUR magazine essays. This time no lengthy and interesting introduction about the Italian ‘Hermetic scene’. This last volume just got a short introduction and then goes to the texts.
Just as in the previous volume we go from Alchemy to magic to ancient and Renaissance philosophy, Eastern ways of thinking and also commentaries about then contemporary new currents in New Age and psychology.
In this last volume we see more clearly Evola setting himself against Guénon. He is critical about Guénon’s views on Freemasonry and the most interesting text in this volume is Evola’s lengthy and detailed commentaries on the ideas of Guénon.
There is also a text of Giuliano Kremmerz (1861–1930) through which the UR group clearly aligns itself with the Italian ‘Hermetic current’.
Just as in the previous two volumes there are texts that interest me more than others. Overall there are but a few really interesting texts, but in general the three volumes of Introduction to Magic give a good idea of the esotericism of the circle in which Evola moved.
2021 Inner Traditions, isbn 1620557193