It usually wouldn’t take me almost four months to read a book of this size (530 pages), but moving from one house to another leaves me little time to read. For some reason Amazon still seems to not sell new copies of this journal, while when issue 1 was published, it was available on every corner of the street. Too bad, because Tyr is a nice read for people interested in Northern European mythology, esotericism or Traditionalism (either or not “radical”). There are numerous articles some of which are longer, others are shorter. This volume opens with some “against the modern world” texts and Michael O’Meare says something about “The Primordial and the Perennial”. Alain De Benoist follows with a magnificent article in which he combines Guénon’s idea of “Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power” (like the article is called) with Dumézil’s tripartite hypothesis and makes a very readable and informative text which -unfortunately- towards the end doesn’t keep the high level. Usual contributors such as Nigel Pennick, Stephen Flowers, Joscelyn Godwin, Ian Read, Michael Moynihan and Collin Cleary contributed alright to very nice texts about a variety of subjects. There is an article about Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson and the Icelandic Asatru federation, a long text about the ancient Baltic religion and Romuva, two lengthy and critical reviews of Mark Sedgewick’s Against The Modern World and many other book- and musicreviews. For more details and ordering go to the website of the publisher. Tyr remains a suggested reading.
Link: Ultra Publishing
Read quotes from Tyr here.