What do you know? A while ago I have been digging through French texts from the internet in order to give you the history of “le Compagnonnage” in English. Quite a task I can tell you. Recently I was at a book-fair and for an unknown reason my eye fell on a book with a inconspicuous cover and an inconspicuous title. When I opened it and started to page through it, my eye fell on the term “compagnonnage” in the index. Closer investigation proved that this book is entirely about this mostly French order! The book is extremely big, very luxery printed and also very expensive. It costs $ 50,- at Amazon, but I got it for E 12,50 or so (and new too!). Anyway, a very nice history of le Compagonnage. It is a translation of a French book of 1909 and now published to prevent this dying out French order to flow away with the waters of Lethe. The text is good, the great amount of pictures are great and I can recommand this (as far as I know) only English text (outside my own!) about “the journeysmen” to everyone interested. Be sure to also read my article in the articles section.